chapter 9

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No, Taehyung wasn’t thinking about how Jungkook's lips were pouting or how ridiculously cute—yet somehow hot—it looked. He definitely wasn’t focusing on how those lips were brushing against his leather jacket.

No, he wasn’t wishing to feel them on him instead. Believe him, absolutely not.

He was driving fast. They were on a jungle road, nearing their destination. It was already evening, and he knew Jungkook needed to eat soon, but he figured he’d let him sleep a bit longer before giving him something.

They could’ve arrived earlier, but because they had to take a different route, the journey was stretching longer than expected.

Taehyung couldn’t risk driving on the main roads. Still, he wondered what Mrs. Jeon must be doing right now. Not that he felt sorry for the woman—he had his reasons.

After another hour of driving, they reached the temporary safe house, far from the city.

The watchman opened the large iron gate, letting the car pass. Jungkook was still fast asleep, likely not used to long car rides, which had knocked him out cold.

Scooping Jungkook into his arms, Taehyung headed straight for the house, the door already ajar since he had texted ahead.

"My god, don’t tell me you killed him," a tall man gasped as Taehyung entered.

Taehyung shot him a glare.

"I-I mean, is he okay?" the man stammered nervously. As the caretaker of this criminal hideout, he had seen enough to know not to assume the worst.

"What’s your name?" Taehyung asked coolly.

"Seokjin," the man replied, still eyeing Jungkook with concern.

"Don’t let your imagination run wild. Just make something for him to eat and bring it up afterward," Taehyung ordered, turning to leave.

"Make what? What does he like?" Seokjin asked, unsure.

"Do you have a menu or something? Just make whatever you’re good at. And hurry up." With that, Taehyung walked away, carrying his human bunny in his arms.

"Arrogant bastard," Seokjin muttered under his breath, heading off to the kitchen to whip up some Chinese food.

Upstairs, Taehyung gently placed the sleeping Jungkook on the bed. He needed to wake him, so he shook him lightly by the shoulder until the younger boy let out a sleepy groan, slowly opening his eyes.

"Get up. We’ve arrived," Taehyung said. Jungkook sat up slowly, leaning back against the headboard and rubbing his eyes.

"Go and freshen up," Taehyung instructed. Jungkook glanced around at his surroundings—it wasn’t too bad, actually. He nodded and headed to the bathroom.

After about 30 minutes, Jungkook emerged wearing a fluffy white bathrobe.

"There were clothes too. Why didn’t you wear those?" Taehyung asked.

"They were old and cheap. I don’t wear things like that," Jungkook said, pouting as he leaned back against the headboard.

"The shopping mall’s far, so my guys got those clothes from a nearby village. What’s wrong with them?"

"I don’t know. Mama told me not to wear stuff like that—it’s not good," Jungkook replied, rubbing his tummy.

"I’m hungry," he nearly whined, his voice filled with desperation. He hadn’t eaten since last night, and now it was evening.

Before Taehyung could reassure him that the food was coming, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," he called. Seokjin entered, along with another person pushing a food trolley.

"Here’s your food. Enjoy," Taehyung said, watching as Jungkook eyed the platters. It wasn’t exactly to his liking, but hunger outweighed his preferences.

The portions were plenty. Taehyung left him to eat, needing to freshen up and grab a bite himself.

As Jungkook ate, he noticed a tall man smiling at him.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I’m Seokjin, the caretaker of this house."

"Oh... Did you make this? It’s yummy!" Jungkook mumbled through a mouthful of fried rice and chicken.

"Yes, it’s me. This house is usually empty, so there’s no chef. I took it upon myself to cook."

"It’s really tasty."

"Thank you. Uh... what’s your name?" Seokjin asked, curious.

"Nope! You’re a stranger, so I’m not telling you my name," Jungkook replied, sticking his tongue out in a playful tease. Seokjin chuckled; the boy was undeniably adorable.

As Jungkook continued eating, he noticed a pair of eyes peeking at him from behind the door.

"Who’s there? Come here!" he called out.

No one moved, so Seokjin went to the door and swung it open, revealing a boy who tumbled to the ground.

"Jimin, what are you doing here?" Seokjin asked, helping the boy to his feet.

"YOU bad uncle! What are you doing here?"

"Hey, I’m not your uncle," Jimin groaned. "And why can’t I be here?"

"Why do you want to be here?"

Jimin sighed. "Look, I was there to kidnap you, alright? But you were too much for me."

"So you came to kidnap me? You should’ve just said that. But instead, you yelled at me—that’s where you went wrong."

"Yelled? That’s just my normal tone! How was I supposed to know you’re such a princess?"

"Now you know, so you better treat me like one, or else..." Jungkook smirked mischievously, glancing at his bandaged fingers. Jimin followed his gaze and widened his eyes. 'Such a brat,' he thought.

"Whatever. I’m leaving," Jimin muttered, turning to go.

"No, no, come here," Jungkook urged, hurriedly finishing the water and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

"What now?" Jimin asked, a bit nervous.

"Come on, I won’t hurt you." The sweetness in Jungkook’s tone made Jimin think he might give him a chance. Cautiously, he stepped closer.

"Now turn around," Jungkook commanded, standing on the bed.

"Huh? Why?"

"Just turn around!" With a sigh, Jimin obeyed. He wasn’t prepared for Jungkook to suddenly jump onto his back, nearly knocking him off balance.

"The f—why?!"

"Take me to Mr. Criminal, please."

"Go with your own feet! You’re heavy!"

"Carry me, or else."

"Or else what?"

"Your skin... and my nails."

"The f—are you a monster or something?" Jimin cried, begrudgingly starting to walk with him on his back.

"Are you scolding me, uncle?"

"No! Trust me, I’m not!" Jimin replied, exasperated.

It's so much fun writing this fic. One thing—don’t judge Jungkook for the clothes thing. He’s just repeating what he’s been told, but his character will develop over time.

Anyway, please share with others too. Sometimes I feel like I’m writing this story for ghosts...

But it’s okay! Vote and comment on your favorite parts!

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