Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


My wolf sat at the edge of the treeline, waiting for her to emerge out of the back door. It was early enough so I knew she would still come and I would wait, my wolf and I both greedy for as much of her attention as we could get. I couldn't wait until tomorrow to see her again, especially after the situation at the diner, I was still tense about her being alone.

I could practically smell the fear and discomfort oozing out of her, my wolf in the back of my mind nagging me that something wasn't right with our mate. When I saw those grimy hands touching her I wanted nothing more than to rip the males arms from his body.

My thoughts were cut short as her scent hit my nose.

I watched as she walked out, switching on the small string of fairy lights she had strung up in the tree we always sat against before she laid out a blanket. The softness of the lights gave her an  ethereal glow and I couldn't believe she was destined to be mine. I couldn't think of anything I had done in my life that had led the moon goddess to bless me this much, but I knew I would never stop thanking her.

"Wolfy?" Her soft voice carried in the small clearing of her yard. My wolfs ears perked and some of the hair on his back stood in excitement as I eased from my sitting position in the tree line.

I slowly trotted over to her, the smile on her face when she caught sight of us causing my tail to wag uncontrollably. She sat down, patting the spot next to her which I happily made my way over to occupy. My wolf curled into her side, his large head covering her whole lap as a blanket. He nearly purred in contentment as her small fingers scratched behind his ears, tingles spreading across all the areas she touched.

"I saw him again today Wolfy." She sighed. We listed as she replayed what happened from her perspective and I willed myself to stay calm as she spoke of the disgusting male and how uncomfortable he hade her feel.

"I wish I could handle things like that myself.. I-I just hate confrontation you know..? My body just doesn't know what to do and I start to panic. It's not his job to save me and I feel bad and like I can't take care of myself..." She spoke, her soft voice nearly a whisper by the end.

I couldn't stop the grumble that came from within me, disliking her thoughts about herself. Little did she know it was my job to protect her and I would never stop. I wanted her to understand that we would always be there to keep her safe.

"I barely know him and the things that I'm feeling already make me feel a little crazy. I feel safe with him though... like when you pull the covers over your head when you're a little kid and it feels like the monsters can't get you anymore. You probably don't know what that means but it's like how I feel when you're around. Nothing can get at the lamb when the big bad wolf is around."

She laughed a little at her analogy, the sound like a melody to my ears. I knew that was a sound I would strive to hear from her more for the rest of our lives.

"He told the guy he was my boyfriend... I know he only said that to get the guy to go away but something about the thought gave me butterflies. He's jusy so pretty Wolfy, oh my gosh... Everything about him just makes my stomach do somersaults in the best way. Am I being ridiculous? I feel like I'm going crazy since I don't  even know anything about him and I'm thinking about him like some crazed teenager."

Pride swelled within me knowing our mate liked how we looked and enjoyed being with us. I felt like I was committing a crime, getting to hear her inner thoughts about us when she had no idea. I knew the mate bond was partially to blame for her feelings. We spent more time together than she knew. Even though we hadn't seen eachother much while I was in human form, we still spent every night together which helped the bond.

I lifted my head, watching her as she was lost in her own thoughts. I took the time to take in her features and just admire her. Though it was now dark, the soft glow of the lights and my wolfs vision made everything crystal clear. Her eyes were closed, she shadow of her dark lashes fanning out across her cheeks and nose which were sprinkled with the lightest freckles. Her full pink lips were slightly parted as small breaths fell from their confines. Her skin shined with a youthful glow even despite the lack of light, a harsh contrast to the more aged appearance I knew my own held due to years of alpha duties. Everything about her screamed natural beauty, she was a living godess of her own.

I watched as she stiffled a yawn, hazel orbs opening to peer down at me as she smiled. Small hands cupped my wolfs large head as a light kiss was pressed to his snout. As much as I wanted this moment to last forever, I knew it was time for her to go in, exhaustion evident in her eyes.

I pulled back and sat, looking at her expectantly, knowing she knew the look I gave her every night when it was time for her to go in. I know she knew when she smiled, shaking her head before standing.

I moved off the blanket, allowing  her to fold it up  before she switched off the fairy lights, darkness furthur hiding us from any prying eyes. Another light kiss was pressed to the top of my head before she pulled back, smiling down at my wolf.

"Sweet dreams Wolfy."

I watched as she made her way the the back door, waving before she disappeared inside and I heard the lock latch. The room became encompassed in darkness and I turned, making my way back to the treeline waiting. It wasn't long before I saw the curtains of her bedroom move as she peeered out the same way she did every night. One last smile graced her face as her hazel eyes met with my wolf's golden ones.

Once the curtains closed I made my way over to the fallen tree I had had claimed many weeks ago as my bed, laying down and allowing myself to get comfortable. I knew I wouldn't be going home tonight, sleeping in my own bed slowly getting harder and harder without her near me. I would sleep here and leave early enough to have time to get ready before we saw her again tomorrow. I willed my excitement to calm down so I could rest, still keeping an ear open for any unusual noises or threats.

Sweet dreams my little mate.

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