Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


The sparks that ignited within me as his lips touched mine were something I had never experienced in my 23 years of life.

His lips were soft and gentle as they moved against my own. There was no rush, no urgency, just slow pure bliss. His thumb lightly stroked my cheek as I grasped his jacket, feeling like I needed to hold onto something to keep my grounded as my head was in the clouds.

It was a simple kiss, neither of us trying to push it to be anything more and I appreciated that he didn't immediately try shoving his tongue down my throat. He reluctantly pulled away, resting his forehead on my own as we both took a moment to collect ourselves.

He eventually pulled back, my eyes opening to see him already looking down at me with a small smile on his face as he ran his fingers through my hair. He pressed a kiss to the tip of my nose causing a laugh to fall from my lips which only made his smile widen.

"I could get used to this."

My face once again warmed as he voiced his thoughts, I rolled slightly, shoving my face in his arm. He gently grabbed my shoulder, attempting to lay me flat on my back again.

"No no, don't hide yourself. You look adorable when you blush."

At that point I didn't think my face could redden anymore even if I wanted it to.

"I'm sorry if that was bad... It's been a few years..." I mumbled, almost immediately regretting my words. I could feel his smile as he pressed a kiss to my warm cheeks.

"I don't think anything you do could be bad baby girl."

He laid back down, pulling me to his chest as I listened to his heart hammer within its confines, much like my own was doing. We spent quite some time like that, just enjoying eachothers presence and the warmth of the sun.


I held my mate, relishing in the tingles spreading across my body everywhere she touched. I was still riding the high of that kiss, the feeling one I had only dreamed of. I knew I had to keep it light and slow, my wolf going wild in my head over the simple gesture. I told her she would set the pace and I planned on allowing her to do just that. The rabid dog in my head would just need to learn some patience.

I was still relishing in the bliss when I smelled him. Thankful we were laying down so she couldn't see what was happening.

Logan if you don't get the fuck out of here right now I swear to god I'll rip your jugular out.

I had pushed patrols further away from this area to try and get some privacy but apparently no one knew how to fucking listen.

Yes alpha, s-sorry alpha.

And Logan? If you speak a word of this to anyone you're off partrols.

I allowed my alpha tone to leak through the mindlink, making sure he got the point clear as day. When the scent diminished I knew he had taken off, my body finally relaxing again as I breathed in her sweet scent.

"A-are you okay...? You tensed up..."

She moved to pull away, my arm tightening as I held her to me placing a light kiss to the top of her head.

"Everythings fine baby girl, just relax."

I felt her small nod against my chest as her hand moved from my chest to wrap around me. I was never one for snuggling or affection but dammit I already wanted her glued to my side at all times. Her body fit against mine like a puzzle piece, just as it was meant to be.

I cursed Logan for his interruption, praying he actually kept his mouth shut if he saw anything. I know he had at least smelled her with me. Rumors were one thing, but knowing of the lack of female companionship in my life the past few years, it wouldn't be hard for anyone to figure out. I wanted her to get more comfortable with me before introducing her to anyone from the pack and before anyome found out. Word spreads fast when an alpha finds his mate and I didn't want to subject her to those stares or that danger yet.

I knew the pack was waiting for their luna and I felt bad keeping her a secret from them. I didn't know how I would eventually break the news to her or even when. I could only keep her in the dark for so long before the truth eventually came to light. All I could do was pray that when the day came she wouldn't hate us and run.


I parked the truck in her driveway, turning the key as the radio continued to softly play in the background. I looked down at our conjoined hands, my large one nearly completely swallowing her soft petite one. Her tired eyes looked up at me, a small smile playing on her lips.

I had felt horrible for waking her, but my extra body heat could only do so much against the chill in the air as the clouds covered the sun. I wanted nothing more than to stay in that position for hours and fall asleep myself, I knew that would have been the best sleep I had ever gotten. I smiled as she covered her mouth with her free hand, trying to hide her yawn.

"Let's get you inside so you can go back to bed, okay?"

She nodded, another yawn taking over as I got out of the truck and walked over to her door opening it and unbuckling her. I took her hand as she climbed down, her body still obviously half asleep.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep on you... that probably isn't a very good thing to do on a first date... I just haven't been sleeping super well lately and you're really comfortable..."

I pulled her to my frame as we reached her front door, her head resting on my chest as my arms made their way around her. I knew why she hadn't been sleeping very well, it was the same reason I hadn't been either. Close proximity only did so much to help, but that was nothing compared to being next to eachother and touching. While I didn't know how the bond affected humans, I knew she wasn't quite used to as much contact as she had been today, the slight energy tanken from the bond strengthening taking more of a toll on her than it did me. She would most likely be a bit more tired when we spent longer amounts of time together until she got used to it. Until then, my greedy self would enjoy how adorable and touchy she was when she was half asleep.

"I-I know this might be a lot to ask... b-but can you stay...? Just until I fall asleep again...?" She mumbled into my chest, her voice quiet and I knew she was making her way there again already.

I absolutely knew that was the bond talking. Her half asleep state causing her brain to be more relaxed and say what she truly wanted. I nodded even though she couldn't see, gently taking the keys from her hand and unlocking the door. I walked her to the couch and sat her down, slipping her shoes off her feet and placing her bag and keys where she had them when I picked her up. I slipped my jacket off and locked the door before making my way back over to her.

Thankfully the couch was large enough for me to mostly fit on. She scooted herself towards the backrest and waited for me to lay down before curling into my chest yet again. I grabbed the blanket from the back, laying it over top of her as she hummed in contentment.

"Kace...? Thank you..."

I kissed the top of her head, wrapping my arms around her small body as she relaxed into me even further, using me as her own personal body pillow.

"Get some sleep baby girl."

They finally kissed!
We're making progress people!

It's been a gloomy and cold few days and it's currently 10:30 at night and my phone is at 3% so unfortunately this is where I have to end my multi chapter posting spree for the weekend. I'm so glad I finally got to take some time to focus on this book again and pump a couple chapters out. Now that the weather is getting colder and things are finally starting to slow down, I really hope I can spend more time working on this story.

Thank you all again! 🖤

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