Chapter 10

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(Another picture of how I picture Kace above)

Chapter 10


Dinner had gone smoothly and Trina had made some of the best food I had ever ingested. Ben and Kace had eventually joined us as I helped Trina set the table and conversation was light and flowed easily.

Trina and I were once again sat in the living room together, drinking wine and laughing about stories from when her and Ben first started dating. They had been together for 29 years now and you could tell how utterly in love with eachother they still were. Watching how they interacted throughout dinner, listening to how they spoke to one another, to the way their eyes sparked when they looked at one another, they were like a real life fairytale. Ben was much more relaxed in the comfort of his own home. Out of all the times I had seen them in the last few weeks, he was always quite quiet, tending to stay in the background as Trina and I talked. Tonight however he engaged in the conversation around the table, even cracking a few jokes here and there.

"He followed me around like a lost puppy the whole time I was pregnant! That man never left my side and didn't let me lift a finger. It was so sweet, but you would swear the man looked like he was about to have a heart attack every time I even tried to put my own shoes on. Sometimes I was ready to hit him with them!" She laughed, shaking her head as she rolled her eyes.

I laughed at her actions, imagining a pregnant Trina attempting to beat her large husband with her shoes. Throughout the night I had learned she was a little bit if a spitfire, never missing a beat, especially when it came to her husband. Somehow even when they bickered and poked fun at one another, you could still tell how in love they were.

We chatted a bit longer, and as the time neared 10pm I stiffled a yawn. Catching the yawn I attempted to cover, she looked over at the clock, only now realizing how late it was.

"Oh my gosh dear, I'm so sorry I kept you here so late! Let me go grab Kace, I don't want you walking home alone this late." She stated, getting to her feet and taking my glass before walking off before I could tell her anything but.

I smiled, shaking my head and standing finally, the wine finally starting to hit me as I stood. I didn't know what kind of wine Trina had, but everytime she refilled her glass she automatically refilled my own. Frida had let me know she had a family emergency before I left work so the shop would be closed tomorrow. Allowing myself to let loose a bit and enjoy myself with Trina, I made no move to stop her as I sipped the sweet beverage we had been drinking. She wanted a wine and girls night for her birthday and I wasn't going to be the one to deny her that joy.

I made my way to the entryway, grabbing my belongings. Trina and Kace joined me as I slipped on my sweater and sandals.

"Thank you so much for coming dear, we'll need to do this again soon. I'll bring your dish back to you on our next walk if that's okay?"

I nodded, letting her know that was fine and smiling as I stepped into her hug. Kace opened the door and I shot him a small smile, both of us waving goodbye before making our way down the driveway.

The night air was warm, but still held onto enough of a crisp to give you goosebumps. The moon was thankfully bright tonight, casting enough light to see without a flashlight. We walked side by side quietly, a foot or two of space between us, both just enjoying the peace of the night.

"She likes you a lot you know. She always wanted a daughter but it just wasn't in their cards. She gets excited to stop and see you on their walks." His deep voice broke the silence first, eyes stuck to the sidewalk in front of us.

I couldn't help my warming cheeks, praying it was dark enough that he couldn't see how red my face now was. The idea of someone enjoying my presence that much sent a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart.

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