Chapter 15

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(River pictured above)

Chapter 15


I unlocked the door to my room in the packhouse, sighing as it closed behind me. While I had wanted nothing more than to stay with her and sleep, I knew I had been slacking off on my work.

I quickly stripped, tossing my shirt that was covered in her scent on my bed knowing that it would be needed later on. I turned the shower on stepping in, the cold water cascading over me as I tried to calm myself down from the excitement of today.

I hadn't expected her to say yes based off of her minimal interactions with me in human form, but fuck was I on cloud 9 that she did. I knew the bond played a large role in her answer and the events that had played out today. While it seemed rushed, it was anything but for a werewolf. The primal need I felt to make her mine in every way possible was wearing me thin and this was the first step in the right direction. No matter what I wanted, it was up to her. She would decide how things went and how fast they moved along. Out of all the things in my life I fucked up on, she wouldn't be one of them and I knew that. I was completely and utterly her's until she told me otherwise, which I prayed would never happen. I needed her in my life more than I needed air in my lungs. From the second my eyes locked with hers I knew there would be no me without her. Though living through a rejection was possible, I was a greedy bastard, if she wasn't by my side there would be no point in anything anymore.

I quickly washed her scent off of me much to my dismay, but for her own safety. I wanted nothing more than to smell of her at all times, leaving no room for anyone who question who I belonged to. I wanted everyone to know I was hers as much as she was mine, but I had to have patience.

I changed after I finished, taking one last breath of her light scent that permeated throughout my room from the shirt before leaving. It was no suprise when I found River in his typical spot in my office as I made my way through the door. The shit eating grin on his face did nothing to hide his thoughts.

"Well? I'm waiting. Get on with it!"

I couldn't fight the smile that spread across my face as I fell back onto my chair. My hands scrubbed over my face, trying to get a grip on my emotions. River had seen me at every emotional state possible, but love? This would be a first. My soundproof office was our safe space, a place we could truly be ourselves without the harsh exterior we put forth at all other times.

"Fuck man... I don't even know where to start."

"Well I'm going to guess it went well based off the look on your face. I don't know the last time I saw you smile like that man."

I nodded, knowing he was right. While I had learned to put up a good front around him and my parents, I had no doubt they could see right through it.

"I don't know how people do this. I wanted nothing more than to mark her right there and deal with the repercussions later. My wolf was going batshit crazy the whole time. She's so small and fragile I feel like I'm gonna break her if I even so much as look at her too long. She's fucking perfect Riv.

"I'm happy for you Kace. You deserve to finally have that shit in your life. You waited long enough and it's been wearing on you and don't tell me it hasn't been. We both know the pack needs it's luna, YOU need your luna. Someone has to keep you in check when you're ready to rip a head off." He paused, all seriousness gone as a smirk crept up on his face.

"Now tell me, did you at least get to kiss her?"

I grabbed my stapler, chucking it at his head, knowing damn well he would swerve it while telling him to shut the fuck up, his booming laughter filling the confines of the room.


5 hours later and I was ready to bash my head through my desk. I knew I should already be over there by now, her usual nightime routine with my wolf being put on standby all because of this fucking paperwork. As much as I wished I could push it off further, this was stuff I had to take care of immediately.

I ran a hand through my hair as I stood and made my way over to my liquor cabinet, pouring a drink and clearing the glass in one swig. I poured another, making my way back to my desk as I heard my phone buzz. The screen was lit up with a text from an unknown number but I smiled as I read it, my mood less sour than it had been a moment ago.

Hey, I saw you left your number on the table. I wasn't sure how soon is too soon to reach out. I just wanted to say thank you again for today and I'm sorry for falling asleep. You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet.

I quickly added her to my contacts before rereading her message a few times. Little did she know that one message alone was going to be what got me through the rest of this hell.

I'm glad you enjoyed today, now quit apologizing. It's getting late and I've got some work to finish up, get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams baby girl.

Her response came within seconds.

Sorry... Goodnight Kace 🖤

I sighed, shaking my head. We would work on her overuse of apologies later. While I appreciated her concern, I didn't want her feeling bad about things she couldn't help or control. The less stress she had the better in my opinion.

I willed myself to focus back on my work, signing documents and going over treaties. My mind consistently wandered every so often to her soft lips and even softer skin. I knew the more I got done the more possible free time I would have to spend with her, but she had already rooted herself in every crevice of my brain. From the way she said my name to the feel of her skin on mine, she had me constantly yearning for more.

By the time 2AM rolled around I was debating just sleeping in my chair. I slowly got up, stretching my sore body after sitting for so long and finally found the energy to drag myself to my room. I dropped onto my bed, kicking my shoes off and dragging my shirt from earlier today towards me. As soon as I inhaled my whole body relaxed, the faint trace of her scent infiltrating my senses and calming my mind as I finally drifted off.

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