Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


I had read the same line for the fifth time now, the words leaving my brain as quickly as they had entered. I sighed, marking my page and setting the book on the end table.

There was no way it was normal to feel this way after only one date, after only one kiss. I'd gone on multiple dates and kissed a handful of guys in the past but none of them had left me feeling this way or even relatively close. I felt like a teenager obsessed with her favorite celebrity, only worse. Something in me physically ached for him and left a part of me feeling hollow.

I knew I had some attachment issues, my first boyfriend in highschool and my so called best friends being the ones to blame for that. I didn't like getting close to many people because I knew they would just end up leaving and I would be left to pick up the pieces. I didn't want to depend on or need anyone, but that nagging feeling deep inside of me had me begging for more. More of his voice, more of his touch, more of his lips on mine, and more of his presence. It was like something inside of me had been awoken when I met him and I didn't know what it was. Something that craved everything I had been avoiding for years. Something I had attempted to chase after and wake up on those dates that went nowhere with boys that only wanted to know what color my bedsheets were. Something that craved the companionship I read about in books and I had convinced myself I could never get.

My mind was going a thousand miles a minute and I thought I would have a panic attack, but somehow when it was him occupying my brain, I was calm. My head was on the fritz but my heart held steady.

I groaned, grabbing my phone and calling my mom.

"Wren baby! I thought you were never going to call!"

Sometimes I wonder what this woman is on...

"Mom, we just talked last week, not last year."

"I know but I'm used to getting to talk to you and see you every few days, this is still new for me honey. Is everything going good? Are you okay? How's work been?"

"Everything has been going good and work has been really good, Frida's so much like grandma mom, I love her. She's a sweetheart and she's been teaching me a lot about different plants and the town and pretty much everything she knows. You'll have to meet her someday when you visit. And I'm doing okay, I guess I just called because I need some advice..."

"What's going on honey?"

I chewed on my lip, trying to think of the best way to describe what was going on in my head without sounding like I needed to be sent to an asylum.

"Well there's this guy... He's an absolute sweetheart mom... really handsome, walks me home, opens my doors and he took me out on a picnic to this absolutely beautiful spot. He makes me feel safe and comfortable. I just... I hardly know him but... ugh. I just really like him already but I feel like I'm going crazy. This isn't normal and it can't be normal."

"You aren't going crazy honey, you always have been, but a good crazy, the crazy your father and I love you for. He sounds like a nice boy, but why do you feel like you're going crazy? You feel like you're going crazy or he's making you feel crazy?"

"I don't know... I just can't stop thinking about him... I don't wanna get too attached just for him to leave like the rest of them... I feel like I'm going crazy. I've never felt this way about a guy before..."

I sighed, closing my eyes as she mulled my words over. While we hadn't been very close when I was younger, as I got older and the light in my heart turned to clouds, she was always there. She never judged and let me cry on her shoulder when everything fell apart. She picked up the broken pieces and did her best to put everything back together again as best as she could. I never told her how bad things had been, but she knew enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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