Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


The next morning I made my way over to my parents. Pulling out my key and unlocking the door I was immediately hit with the smell of food as I made my way down the hall.


I heard the scuffle of feet before her head popped out from around the doorway to the kitchen.

"Oh my baby! I was wondering when you were going to visit your poor mother! Your father is in his study if you need him or,  you can come taste my cinnamon rolls for me." She beamed, fully stepping out of the doorway and wiping her hands on her apron.

I walked over, kissing the top of her head before making my way into the kitchen. I quickly plated up a few cinnamon rolls before seating myself on a stool at the counter. I immediately dug into them, the sugary taste making me forget about the reason I came here momentarily.

She grinned, watching me eat, proud of the approval my face was no doubt showing. I swallowed my last bite before sitting up straighter and taking a breath.

Here goes nothing.

"I found my mate." I stated bluntly. Might as well rip the bandaid off right away.

Within seconds she was at my side, holding my face in her petite hands as her eyes swelled with tears.

"Kace Benjamin Rikers please tell me you're serious and this isn't just a prank on your poor mother." She whispered, the first tear starting to make its way down her cheek.

My only response was a small nod as she searched my eyes. When she found no detection of a lie her own eyes lit up before she wrapped me in a motherly hug and finally let the tears flow freely.

"My baby boy... I'm so happy for you!" She sobbed, some of the stress and tension releasing from my form as I hugged her back, causing her to squeeze me tighter. We stayed like that for a few minutes as she gathered herself before she finally sniffled, wiping her tears and stepping back with a teary grin on her face.

"What's her name? What's she like? How did you meet? Oh honey she must be beautiful... I want to know all about her!"

She clasped her hands together, planting herself on the stool next to me. I chuckled at her quick change of mood, running my hands through my hair. As excited as I had been about finding my mate, I had to admit that finally telling my mom about it had only increased my excitement. Finding your mate was sacred in the werewolf community, the one person who was the perfect other half of your soul. Someone many werewolves prayed to the moon goddess for, hell, someone I had prayed to the moon goddess for.

"She's beautiful ma... She's got the most gorgeous hazel eyes I could get lost in. She's so small and delicate that I'm scared she could float away if the wind blew too strong. Her voice is just as cute as she is, god, I could listen to her talk all day."

I couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off of my face thinking of my beautiful little mate, someone who was made specifically for me. My moms grin matched my own as she listened to me talk. However, my expression quickly started to turn somber as I thought of the one big thing standing in my way.

"There's only problem... she's human. It's Mark and Claudia's granddaughter mom. She's human and I don't know what to do." I raked my hand down my face, letting out a sigh before continuing. "She's only seen me in my human form once and basically ran from me. She's warmed up to my wolf suprisingly well but being in my wolf form only gets me so far... Hell I don't even know if she can feel the mate bond or how much."

Sympathy shone in her eyes, an emotion I had grown to despise over the years. Every time I had returned from a trip without my mate in hand the expression was clear across the faces of many. I hadn't wanted their sympathy, I had wanted my mate. Even now that I have her, I can't seem to get away from that look.

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