Chapter 7: Breaking the news

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I walked out of the administration building feeling exhilarated but conflicted at the same time. I had been offered the opportunity of a lifetime and I took it without considering how it would impact those close to me. It seemed like I was throwing everything we'd talked about back in their faces by doing this but at the same time, I wasn't just going to let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip through my fingers.

I decided to just lay it all out for them without beating around the bush because that would only make things worse and they didn't deserve that. I went back to the mess hall expecting them to still be finishing their lunch but when I arrived they were gone. I asked one of the few cadets still inside where they had gone and was told they left to get some exercise done before the evening training session. I found them in the gym attached to the rec room. Armin was stretching, Eren was doing pushups, and Mikasa was lifting weights.

Y/n: Hey guys, got a minute?

Eren: Sure, what's up?

Y/n: There's something I need to tell you.

Armin: Does it have to do with why the commandant pulled you out of lunch?

Mikasa: Nothing's wrong, right?

Y/n: No, it's just that today is the last time you guys will see me for a while.

Eren: What do you mean? What happened?

Y/n: Commander Erwin was in the commandant's office today. He told me that they had spoken at length about my skills before offering me a chance to enlist in the Scouts a year early.

Needless to say, they were all shocked. I would have been too, had I been in their position. Eren and Armin seemed surprised while Mikasa looked like the news had hurt her a lot.

Armin: Wow, congratulations. You must've been highly recommended to be offered such a great opportunity.

Eren: I knew you had it in you. Well done.

Y/n: Thanks.

Mikasa: You're leaving us again. After all this time, we finally fixed things and now you're leaving again. We were supposed to go in together.

Y/n: It's not like we won't see each other again, I know we will. I'd stay if I could, but you have to understand, I couldn't just let this slip away. It was a chance to do what I've always wanted to do sooner than I would have been able to otherwise. You can't honestly think ill of me for that, can you?

Mikasa: I thought we meant more to you than that. I guess I was wrong.

Y/n: Don't be like that Mikasa, you know I care about you guys.

Mikasa: We just got you back and you're leaving us again. Now I'm beginning to wonder if you only started being nice again just to make this hurt more.

She grabbed her things and left, leaving me with Eren and Armin. I sighed and face palmed at the same time. It was obvious I had screwed up, but it would've been a lot worse had I not decided to tell them.

Armin: That went well.

 Y/n: Geez, I thought telling you guys would make it better than if I kept it secret but I guess not.

Eren: You mean more to her than we do. She was the one most affected by your sudden change in personality, so I don't blame her for acting the way she did, but she shouldn't have said that about you.

Y/n: What should I do then? I don't wanna leave things on a bad note with her.

Eren: Go talk to her, just the two of you, away from everyone else so you can both say what's on your mind.

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