Power of History's Past

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Three bloods shall face a great fear, with many shed tears. Ashes to ashes fear to fear; a destiny know but still unclear.  Darkness inside, in light darkness resides. The missing found; to end the once resonating sound. The smell of blood haunts; the binds of nature stretched taut. Three to find and three to bind, the power of history’s past, has yet to its final light cast.

We are sending this recording (with more to come) to tell you of an unfortunate series of deaths, births, and even changes. Please, though this may seem extremely foreign and fake to you; listen. Many things in both our homes are similar. We will explain as we go. Please listen. Without you Receiver we wouldn’t be able to tell our story and warn you. Here we sit pouring out our story to you; here we will stay until mankind can learn to prepare for what is to come.

Chapter 1

The lost ones

Hello. My name is Nicolas, but you can call me Nick for short. I live on the planet Alconas. Before I tell you what happened to me, I need you to swear not to tell others. If people find out about what I'm telling you, they can and will kill me. I know you are just reading (or listening to) these words and not doing anything, I can see it in your heart and mind. You don’t believe this; you’re thinking “Who would have sent me such a joke?” Let me tell you, this is real, everything I say is real. The only people, who need to know of this, are the young children of your dimension, and you. That’s it, no one else. No adults. These people are not the government; they aren’t even from your dimension. That’s right; I am from a different dimension (and so is Alconas). Your dimension is called the Forbidden Dimension, closed off long ago by The Ancients. My dimension is the Magical Dimension. (No there are no unicorns or trolls here, but there are other monsters) The Magical Dimension is the home of all the creatures who humans couldn’t handle (no offence). Where they can live and thrive; such as ranics (you will be glad we took them), centaurs, and even gods. Some, but not all, of old texts in your dimension told of us, and our great power.

 Have you ever wondered how the pyramids were built? You think slaves build them? Fat chance. The pyramids were left by us (built by us as well) to show humans that we may return one day. That is also what the Maya foretold on their calendar (and you thought it meant the end of the world). But anyways, in case you’re wondering The Ancients were the ones who made us leave your dimension because it was too dangerous; they foresaw your kind forcing us to leave. To fend for ourselves on the outskirts. They had the idea of stopping a fight before it started, so they made us leave and made our own dimension. People have long since forgotten this in both dimensions. But I remember; my father used to tell me of the great moving all the time. Your people may have called it a new Era, I don’t know. The Ancients were the first of all Movers (my kind). They were the strongest and purest of powers. All of them were equal except for the three Supremes. The most powerful of all Movers ever known, none could match their power. It was the combination of their powers that made them so powerful. One was a Deflector, the name is self-explanatory but they can absorb and shoot back anything shot at them. The next and second most powerful was the Lightning Thrower; she could throw a bolt of lightning at any time in anyplace. She was feared; even alone she could suppress any challenge. The most powerful was the telekinetic, he could move objects with his mind. The telekinetic harnessed power from both good and evil, he was the in-between. He was balance; he kept the others from fighting, or worse killing each other. There were many telekinetics back then, but the Supreme Telekinetic practiced an ancient form. He didn’t move objects; he moved the energy within the object, or even person. He could make anyone or anything do anything he wanted. But soon the power went to his head and he killed the other two Supremes, and seeing what he had done. He took his own life by jumping into a portal to the Dark Dimension. The three powers have been lost ever since. But every now and then the powers would return, time would repeat itself. To stop a great evil the powers would unite, but after the evil was vanquished then they would die.

 I was now 14, and still had no powers (unless empathy counted). Most kids get their powers at 8 or 9. But I was still at home, waiting for my powers to show themselves. I would just sit at home and watch television, or eat popcorn. My mother worked as a healer nurse, healers are self-explanatory. She was a young blonde who looked nothing like her age. She was 42 but looked at least 24. Men always would ask her out, but the moment they saw me and recognized me, they high-tailed it out of our lives. She wondered why they would leave after meeting me. Heck one time she asked me if I threatened them into leaving. I of course said no. This particular day Mom was off of work for vacation. Of course we never went anywhere; she wanted everyone to be around when my powers came around.

 “Nick, could you help me with the trash,” she asked as she held three huge black trash bags behind her?

“Mom, why are you taking out the trash, you know that’s my chore?”

 “I saw that you were watching TV and didn’t want to trouble you too much.”

 “I know, but all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you baby,” she says putting the trash bags down for me. I smile, she still called me baby. I was so young to her; she never wanted me to grow up. In some ways I think she is happy that my powers haven’t come out yet. After putting the trash out on the curb of our Victorian house (yes, we have similar house to humans, your kind had such good taste) I saw her enter the kitchen and fall. I dashed from the curb up the stairs of the veranda and into the house to help her.

 “Mom, are you ok,” I ask helping her up?

“Yes honey, just a few scraps, nothing a healer like me can’t handle.” I laugh, how she can act so confident when she seems so silly, I’ll never know. “What,” she says slightly slapping my arm with the back of her hand?

“Nothing.” I smirk at her happily. She smiles; I always love it when she is happy. She radiates with happiness when she smiles, it seems to wash over me showering me with joy. I smile back.

“So, any breakage with your powers yet,” she asks?

“Nothing yet, maybe I am not meant to have power.”

“Don’t say that honey, you are powerful, I can feel it. The power just hasn’t surfaced; your just a late bloomer,” she finishes.

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