Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

My blood is black

I couldn’t do anything; I couldn’t scream, cry, shout, blink, or even breathe. I was in too much shock; all I could do was ask.

“Why?” It’s all I could muster, I was in shock and my body was about to shut down. I moved the fingers of the strange and unfamiliar limbs and grimaced. It is real, my arms are really gone, I thought blankly. I looked at the diamond plated and closed my eyes. Whatever happens; happens for a reason, I thought as my eyes opened once again. I tested the mechanical arm and gasped. Though I couldn’t feel anything in the arm I could move it easily; as if were my real arm. I heard Kenzie and Bella talking but couldn’t make out their words. I blink and my memory suddenly cuts out there. Next thing I knew I was in my dorm room getting dressed in my new cloths. I put on the pure black hoodless cloak and put my new arms through them. Looking around I grabbed the new pair of white butler like gloves. I looked down and almost forgot about the mechanical arms now hidden beneath the fabric. I shake my head in order to gather my senses and sigh. These things are a part of me now. I need to accept that, I thought. Suddenly the door opened and Brandon stepped in. I could have sworn I saw the glint of another’s eyes behind him as he closed the door shutting the prying eyes out.

“What happened; I heard you were hurt?” I look at the ground. “Zach, tell me what happened. No secrets. Remember?” I look at the ground as tears blurred my sight.

“Nothing happened; please just STOP asking,” I yell!

“JUST TELL ME! WHY IS THAT SO HARD?” I scream and throw my fist at the wall with all my might. The sheer force behind the metal limb ripped through the pale white dry wall and wood flawlessly. The chalk like plaster crumbled and ticked across the wood floor as I sigh. I look down; the glove on the hand I had used to punch the wall was now in tatters and glints of metal shown through the holes.

“THAT’S what happened! I’m a metal armed FREAK now! HAPPY?” I clenched my fist in anger and stormed out of the room. As I stomped down the hall I ran into none other than Brian. Oh great… just what I need, I thought as I made eye contact with me. He slammed his shoulder into my own and caused me to topple over and onto the ground out of nowhere. I felt anger boil in my core as I stood back up. I looked Brian in the eye and my anger boiled over as I realized he was smirking at me.

“Got a walking problem speedster? You might want to get that checked out.”

“What is your problem with me? What did I ever do to you (I was playing innocent, in case you can’t tell… I’m not very good at It.),” I questioned him angrily? He chuckled and leaned down to meet eyes with me.

“No one stands up to me in this school… you need to learn your place as the bug beneath my boot. I’m the supreme telekinetic and I can rip you in two with a flip of my wrist. Do you really want to try me?” His words burned and stung as if they were fire.

“I need to learn my place as a what,” I ask darkly? He shows his pearl white teeth in a sinister grin.

“As the bug beneath my boot.” As he finished his sentence he pushed me away slightly. That was the last straw… I am a bug to NO ONE,I thought as I clenched the metal fists at my sides.

Wrong answer Brian,” I say as I charge him at speeds faster than the Speed of Light it seemed. My fist slammed into his palm ass he caught my punch. He squeezed in an attempt to break my hand… but my new hand had diamond plating; and nothing can break diamond (in the Magical Dimension diamond is literally unbreakable). He gives me a puzzled look as he realizes no pain in flashing across my face. I could feel nothing from his super strong clench. Suddenly he waves his hand at me and I am pushed back. “What on Alconas was that,” I asked as I came to a screeching halt from the sheer weight of the force?

“I told you… I’m the supreme telekinetic. Are you scared yet speedster?” I snapped. I was done. I was done with him, with this school, with these powers, with the responsibilities, with everything.

Stop calling yourself that. Because I can assure you; you are not the supreme telekinetic.” Brian’s smirk grew tenfold at my words. He was getting to me, I had to calm down. But I couldn’t.

“And just how can you do that? Well puny bug?” I had had enough. Without thinking I raised my hand into the air. The ground around us cracked and shuttered as it moved.

“I am no puny bug… Iam the supreme telekinetic; I hold the power of the ancients; I keep my brother and sister in balance; I keep people like you from thinking to highly of themselves. Now I think it’s time I taught you, you poor child, a lesson IN RESPECT,” I screamed as the ground around us splintered and crumbled. I raised the hunk of soil we stood on into the air and through the collapsed roof; all the while Brian gave me a look of pure terror. I heard a voice below us but ignored it. Suddenly I felt an electric current surge through me as a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned to see Kenzie with her electric blue eyes.

“Calm down now,” she ordered me. As her hand slid down my metal arm I looked at the torn fabric and got a puzzled look. The once white almost clear diamond plating on my arm was now a sickly black as if a dark cloud had settled over it. I suddenly lost control of my body at this realization. I suddenly pushed Kenzie off the edge of the platform and dropped Brian and I back to the ground. As we crashed back into the ground I caught Brian and held him by the collar of his shirt.

Ever touch me or anyone I care about again and I swear… I will hang you by your ribcage,” I threatened darkly. I reared back and threw his limp body away and he crashed into the wall leaving a small indention. Time to pack up… but Kenzie and Brandon stay here. I go by myself, I thought as I began to walk away and back toward my dorm.

I was there, the screams of terrified and tortured souls echoed in the air as I stared at the pure obsidian black castle. The front door of the castle opened to reveal three figures all clad in black suits… each holding a spear. I bowed to the three figures.

“I am so glad you would allow me into your humble home… brothers Phobia, Paranoia, and Nightmare.”

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