Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Wait what      

I stare in disbelief at what the three sages had just said after Hannah had come and got us from the bedroom.

 “What did you say,” I ask?

 “We said, that your training is complete,” John says.

 “But John, you haven’t even trained with me!”

 “You have learned to control Umbra, you no longer need me.”

 “John, I haven’t learned anything about Umbra, I just helped bring him into this world; that’s it!”

 “And in doing this you have mastered the balance, I am no longer needed; I have faith in you.”

 “And judging from the damage in the kitchen you have also mastered the wail of the damned,” Hannah chuckles. I sigh, defeated.


 “So where are you going,” Kenzie asks?

 “We will go back to the Dark Dimension and wait for a call from one of you,” Ezekiel says.

“How will we know when we need you,” Brandon asks?

 “You’ll know,” they say in union as a portal of dark energy opens behind them. They bid their goodbyes and step into the portal and disappear.

 “Finally alone are we,” a voice rings through the room?

 “You,” I say, my voice deep and demonic as I recognize the voice. A black mist forms and solidifies to reveal Phobia.

 “Aw, you don’t look happy to see me,” he says with a fake frown. I begin to run at the demon of a god but I am stopped by Brandon’s hand.


 “No, he isn’t worth it,” Brandon whispers.

 “He killed her, I will RIP HIM IN HALF,” I yell and break Brandon’s grip on me! I run at full speed as light envelopes my hand. “BURN BY THE LIGHT OF THE PUREST OF STARS,” I yell and form a ball of light in my hand and stab it into his heart!

 “Fool, you’ve killed yourself,” Phobia says as he is covered in flame and explodes into ashes. Black shadows erupted from the ashes and swirled around the room screaming like banshees. I look under Brandon’s bed as a multi colored light glows from the darkness. The light grows brighter as I look at it; as I look at the light I realize that Brandon and Kenzie are screaming in pain. I look down to see them on the ground in the fetal position holding their hands over their ears. To shut out the world and its darkness, I think as I look at my brother and sister. I began to walk over to the light under Brandon’s bed and reach under. I pull out the Libro Supemitatis and it glows like a thousand suns as I lift it into the air. Its cover flies open followed by the pages of vast knowledge. It stops on the back cover as words engraved in gold glow with energy.

 “Darkness hides within the light, a place once seal so tight. Your pleads of mercy are but bile, I cast you out into eternal exile!” The spirits scream in horror as the Libro Supemitatis closes and vibrates as the triple yin-yang glows with a bright white light. The light washes over my skin flows over my arms and torso. It flows like water down my legs and I look like a walking head light. The light begins to envelope my head and I throw my head back and yell. “RELINQUERE,” I scream! The light bursts from my eyes in two white hot spires. The spirits fly out of the room and into every remaining shadow at the sheer force of my words. “LEAVE,” I yell my voice entwined with Umbra’s. The light clears and the room is free from the dark spirits. “No,” I whisper as I remember Kenzie and Brandon. I turn around to see them still screaming and rocking back and forth. I focus and feel their fear and paranoia. “Guys, wake up; I’m here. Whatever you’re seeing isn’t real, I’m real; I’m here,” I say and place my hands on their shoulder. Kenzie screams as I touch her and falls to the ground. As I touch Brandon he seems to come back to life and spits up black goo.

 “What in the hell happened,” He sputters. He looks over at Kenzie then gasps. “MOVE,” he yells creating an orb of dark energy in his hand and throwing it at the wall. The orb explodes on contact as I dive behind a bed. Energy from the blast focuses at the epicenter of the explosion and creates a black hole. “Expel this darkness,” Brandon yells! Ribbons of dark magic arc from Kenzie’s body and are sucked into the black hole. I can feel the pull of the black hole pulling on me and Umbra. “DUCK,” Brandon yells as the black hole closes and focuses at the center again. I dive behind the bed once again and listen. WHOOSH! BANG! The black hole had imploded after absorbing the dark forces in Kenzie and shattered bricks everywhere. I looked over the green bed spread just too barely stop a brick from hitting my face. I stared at the stone floating in midair still flipping as if it had never stopped flying.

 "Well that almost took off my head," I say. I look around the room as the brick just falls because I released it. I look at Kenzie and gasp. Her body was covered in dark red burn marks as if she had walked through pure hell fire. "What happened," I yell as I run to Kenzie motionless body? Tears blur my vision as I crouch next to her form. Brandon falls back and places his head between his knees as tears fall on his cheeks. "BRANDON," I yell in anger! He looks at me then to Kenzie and begins to cry harder. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR SISTER," I yell louder, my voice deep and gruff?

"I didn't mean to I swear... she wasn't meant to be hurt.” I wince at a painful memory of being burned like this. My father had said a strange nursery rhyme. I could barely remember it and yet its words slipped from my lips.

"Black the beast descends from darkness, white is cold and always yearning burdened by a royal test. Ashened beauty burns... GOLD," I say as golden light burst from my hands and washes over Kenzie's burnt form. The light wraps around her like a cocoon and swirls on the ground. I look away as to not be blinded. Brandon looks up to see the golden light around Kenzie.

 "No! You can't take her! I won't let you," he yells and dives for Kenzie! The light disappears from around Kenzie and (it seemed like) attacked Brandon. He flipped in the air as the light formed a ring around him. It won’t hurt him; I thought looking at Kenzie’s barely healed form. I hear strange laughter ringing in my mind. It sounded as if three voices were laughing but each was exactly the same. It won’t hurt us at all, it’s good magic, I continue as the laughing rises in volume. It was now as if someone was screaming in my ear. “Brandon, stop moving,” I say calmly as the ring begins to shrink.

“He is useless I should kill him right now, he is the weakest of us; it would be so easy,” I whisper. What the hell, I thought, disgusted at what I had said?

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