Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Let the games begin

I could tell I didn’t have long is Brian’s body because I was slowly starting to feel numb so I was in a hurry to get Bella and Laurynn. I rushed to the office at the front of the school and talked to the telepath there.

“I need you to get Bella and Laurynn from class and tell them to come here, it’s very important,” I ordered her. She nodded and looked to the sky as she closed her eyes. In what seemed like seconds both of them were there and glaring at me. They still think I’m Brian… I can’t tell them,” I thought forlornly. “You two I need you to come with me, something terrible has happened,” I lied as I pulled them with me back toward the dorm.

“What do you really want Brian,” Laurynn asked, her voice cold as ice? I don’t respond and just keep pulling them with me.

“Brian! What do you want with us? Why did you choose us two of all people? You hate both of us,” Bella demands?

“Because I need you to help Kenzie and Brandon; don’t ask why, they will explain it to you,” I half explain. My left arm was now completely numb and my right was nearly there. Come on, come on, come on, I demanded myself. We finally reached the dorm and shoved the both of them in and closed the door and leaned against it.

“Get out of my head whoever you are,” Brian demanded harshly! I felt my soul disconnect and he regained control. I separated from his body and floated through the door to listen to the conversation.

“What are you talking about the ‘pieces of fear’? Who are you two,” Laurynn asked?

“We… along with Nick are the three Supremes. I am the Deflector while Kenzie controls lightning-“

“And Nick is the telekinetic,” Bella cuts him off. Brandon gives her a look of disbelief and mumbles something under his breath. “But… why do you need us? What about Nick?”

“Nick is… having a… um… out of body experience, so to speak,” Kenzie attempts to explain.

“Then where do we need to go,” Bella asked, determination in her voice?

“The Castle of Fear… where we will have to fight fear itself,” Brandon tells her.

“Will it bring Nick back? Don’t lie to me! Will it bring him back,” Bella demands?

“I- I don’t know if it will… it may,” Kenzie tells her.

“Will it or will it not? It’s a simple yes or no question,” Laurynn supports Bella.

“Yes it will, most-likely,” Brandon assures them. He is lying… nothing can bring me back, I thought sadly.

“Then we go to the Castle of Fear tonight,” Bella orders!

The team had left at midnight and by midday they had reached the doors of the Castle of Fear. My soul was weakening. I had lost most of my hearing capabilities and could no longer overshadow people. I’m dying… and they can’t stop it. I could tell they were talking but it sounded no clearer than if they had been talking underwater. I blink and suddenly we are at the throne room door. I’m losing time. I need to get my body and soon, or I’m going to blow away. I looked down only to see Kenzie charging a lightning bolt in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, she sends the bolt hurtling toward the door. It slams into the dark wood shattering it into miniscule splinters. All four of them run into the throne room while I float slowly behind them. In the throne room sat Nightmare, Paranoia, Phobia, and Pestilentia.

“Oh masters look the boy is back for his body,” Pestilentia joked as he made eye contact with me.

“Wait! Nick is here? With us right now,” Bella asked?

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