Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A friend comes to see the lightning

As I stand from the mattress, I am over taken by a sickly feeling. I fall back to the bed and heave as if I am puking.

 “It’s ok, it’s the effects of Haze’s power washing away; you have never channeled that much power at once,” Ezekiel says.

 “I know, it scares me.”

 “Rest here, I will get the others; call upon John so you may speak with him,” Hannah says.

“Thank you,” I say lying down and pulling out the deck of cards. She smiles and walks out of the room followed by Ezekiel.

 “Sage of Shadows, I call upon you.” A golden glow erupts from my deck and a ray a grey light shoots out and solidifies to reveal John.

“Yes,” he asks?

“What do I do about Haze?”

 “I can’t tell you, each telekinetic must find a way to surpass him or befriend him.”

 “How in the hell do you expect me to do that.”

 “I don’t know.”

 “He is a lunatic!”

 “No, he isn’t; merely tainted by darkness.”

 “Wha, what does that mean?”

 “He was once a being of light that served me as my better judgment; but one day I went against him and he got hurt, so this is what he is now. I created this monster that is Haze,” John says quietly and solemnly.

 “Was he always named Haze?”

 “No… he used to be called, Lux the angel of light.”

 “Thank you John, I know what to do.” He nods as he returns to the small card with a flash of grey light. I focus on the darkest part of my mind and fall asleep. I wake to a lush green meadow. Trees surrounded the clearing as a strong wind blew through I saw there was a hurricane like storm above the clearing. Lightning crashed and banged in the clouds but never touched the ground. Thunder roared in my ears as I hear his voice.

“What are you doing in my home?”

“I came to make peace within your madness,” I say turning to see the demon like clone standing in the lush green grass. What was strange is that with the storm over head clashing and roaring with all its might, not a single drop of rain ever fell.

“You can’t make peace with a demon you fool,” he says rushing at me with his claws. I stand there as he runs at me at break neck speeds.

 “Lux, you are better than this.” He stops suddenly looking at me in disbelief.

 “Wha… what did you call me,” he asks as his skin seems to lighten to a normal tan color? The storm above us seemed to quiet but just barely.

 “I said you are better than this darkness Lux,” I say looking him in the eye. His pupils were no longer gold but a milky white. The black around the cat like pupils remained.

 “How do you know that name,” Haze asks backing away?

“John told me about you, you were once an angel; the angel of light, but now you are the demon of darkness.”

 “It wasn’t his fault, does he still blame himself for what happened to me?”

 “Yes, but you can prove that Lux can return if you will just trust me.”

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