Chapter 11

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Yay!!! Another part!!!! Though this one is short it is a little bit of comedic relief! :) well here it is guys and gals! And what do you all think of me starting another story? Its hopefully gonna be about a paranormal research team. But that depends on how many yeses I get :) If I get at least 3 or 4 then yes it is. I really wanna do this story so thats why the number is so low! And also if you guys and gals are reading this story comment some more and tell me how I did! I wanna here the people's opinions! Sorry to have written so much here but here it is Chapter 11!!!!

Chapter 11


I look at Brandon's still unconscious form and smile. I've never seen him so peaceful, I thought calmly.

"Too bad we have to ruin it huh," Lux said to me through telepathy. Since when could Lux do that," I thought? "I have always done this, just never so... how you say direct," Lux speaks calmly in my mind.

"Well that's fun. I can't even think without you butting in?"

Don't tell me you forgot about me old pal," Haze says crazily.

"Oh great you can hear me as well?"

"Unfortunately, yes," Lux says coldly.

"Hey I can hear you too rude as-"

"Enough out of both of you, I need to speak to my brother and sister without angels and demons fighting in my mind," I cut Haze off. Lux huffs inwardly allowing me to feel it. "I am not saying that Lux wins, only that we can continue this later," I say. Haze grumbles angrily.

"Fine then," Haze says. I feel the two sever the connection of minds between the three of us and I gain back my peace of mind (literally). Lux is right, I'm gonna have to wake them as soon as possible. But that time can wait, they need their rest," I thought gazing at my brother and sister. I listed the two of them off the ground with a wave of my hand effortlessly and placed them on separate beds and covered their sleeping forms. As I exit the room something dawns on me.

"How had the three pieces of fear gained enough strength to enter my mind and almost change it," I asked the air? It really made no sense. But I swept the thought aside because it had been dealt with (or so I hoped). I walked through the corridors of junk and decided a little bit of spring cleaning wouldn't hurt. I focused my entire mind on Lux and Haze and channeled their beings to my palms. I connected with their minds and spoke softly. "I am going to release both of you from my body, but you cannot leave or fight or both of you will go back understood," I asked?

"Understood," they both said in union. I nodded and placed my palms on the ground and spoke one single word of power.

"Separate." The power oozed from my lips as my voice came out of my throat. Light began to emanate from my hands as symbols appeared on the ground under my palms. One written in dark ooze like energy read demonic release. While another written in white wind like energy read angelic release. As I spoke one last word Lux and Haze said it with me and we allowed the energy to flow. "Balance," we all said at once and the energy burst from my hands and surrounded the respective symbol of power. As I watched a being of put black with bat like wings arose from the black symbol. And a being of white with angelic wings appeared in a flash of light above the white symbol. As I watched the black figure solidify he began to look like the night sky littered with stars and constellations. I gawked in amazement as Haze finally finished and stood before me in a pure black tuxedo like suit. I looked in Lux's direction to see the white being doubled over in what I assumed to be pain.

"Lux what's wrong?"

"His energy has a small amount of mine in it just as I have a small amount of his; this is why I look like the night sky. Give him time the pain will subside; he is in no danger at all. I promise."

"You better be right." I back away from the angel as I can see what is supposed to be a mouth open in almost a silent scream. But all of a sudden the entity seems to become calm and collected. He stands as white light wraps around him. As the light disappears I see Lux standing there in a pure white toga. As I look closer I see the robe like toga has black tiger like strips.

"The energy has different ways of showing itself among different beings, if that's what you are about to ask."

"Thank you." I say sarcastically gazing coldly at Haze. He smiles his sadistic sharp tooth grin and laughs like a maniac.

"You truly are insanity, aren't you," Lux asks?

"Speak for yourself, I used to be you," Haze says still laughing.

"Why you little-"

"WOULD YOU TWO STOP IT," I yell? I look them both in the eye with a questioning glare. "Now I've had enough, now both of you stop it and help me," I order.

"What would you like some help with oh great master," Haze asks sarcastically?

"I'm going to pretend I didn't notice that sarcasm. Now I want both of you to help me clean this place up before Kenzie and Brandon wake up," I say.

"Sounds like a splendid idea," Haze says mocking Lux's voice (which I really didn't get considering that Lux, Haze, and myself ass have the same voice. Accept for a few minor differences). Lux scoffs at him and glares.

"I do not sound like tha... my god I do," Lux says as if amazed. I chuckle at his words. He whips around to glare at me and I instantly straighten up.

"We can at least use our abilities correct," Haze asks?

"Well that's a dumb question don't you think; of course we can," I say. I seem him grin and stop. "Unless it would blow up the whole facility," I warn. I see him slouch at my words.

"Damn it, so close."

"And yet so far," Lux says happily. Maybe having a little help with all this was a good idea, not to mention these two are cheap entertainment, I thought chuckling.

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