Mia Avery Elliot

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Name - Mia Avery Elliot

Face - Claim - Jordana Brewster

Age - 43

Height - 5'8

Birthday - September 8th

Zodiac - Virgo ♍

Personality - Stern, Strong headed, Stubborn, Loving & Determined, Sweet when needed, Strong willed.

Piercings - None

Tattoos - Her kids names on her wrist.

Beauty Marks - None

Birth Mark - On her hip bone

Scars - Knee from surgery after a sports accident in school, Arm because she broke it as a teenager.

Fears - Her family getting hurt, Cockroaches, Snakes, Bears.

Likes - Outdoors, Traveling, Volleyball, Swimming, Eating, Spending time with her family, Animals, Reading, Music.

Dis - Likes - Idiots, Jerks, Bugs, Snakes, Bad Weather, Losing a patient, Liars, Abusers.

Song(s) Of The Moment -

Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

Panic At The Disco - High Hopes

Favorite Emojis -

🎶 🌲 🏥 ⛱️ 🧳 ✈️ 💕 😘

Favorite Color -


Pets - None, Wasn't allowed any growing up because her mom's allergies.

Siblings - None, She's an only child.

Parents - Mom and dad both alive and both doctors.

Background/Family - Raised in high class area with a big house, Studied a lot and had a few friends was popular with sports teams and straight A+ through school. Always knew she was into girls and came out at a young age, Her parents supported her because they love her and just want her to have a good life. Because of them she became a doctor because she admired them.

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