Jack Felix Cortez

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Name - Jack Felix Cortez

Face - Claim - Jason Statham

Age - 44

Height - 6'2

Eye Color - Hazel

Hair Color - Bald/Black Fuzz

Birthday - September 12th

Zodiac - Virgo ♍

Personality - Cold, Vicious, Rude, Demanding, Hot Headed, Strong Willed, Determined.

Piercings - None

Tattoos - None

Birth Mark - On his arm

Scars - None

Fears - Losing All His Money & Getting Old.

Likes - Money, Spending Money, Luxury, Showing Off, Spoiling His Wife, Fancy Cars, Parties, Fancy Homes, Expensive Alcohol, Getting Drunk, Sex.

Dis - Likes - Poor People, Lower Class, Helping Others, Lame Parties, Ugly Cars, His eldest son.

Song(s) Of The Moment -

Pink Floyd - Money

Drake - Rich Baby Daddy

(Music about Luxury and Money)

Favorite Emojis -


Favorite Colors -


Pets - None, Hates animals.

Siblings - Several, Only speaks to two of them, Disowned the rest for there poor life choices.

Parents - Mom disowned him for his attitude and behavior. Father re-married a young chick and is also rich and they get along.

Background/Family Life -

Grew up with his parents divorced, Has 7 siblings and only speaks to 2 because he dislikes how they live. He's always been wealthy on his dad's side which is why they get along and both married young women they can show off and spoil. Cannot stand his own first born who took off once he was 18 to live his own life. But he is pushing his youngest to take his place when he needs it.

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