Sherri Marie Cortez

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Name - Sherri Marie Cortez

Face - Claim - Margot Robbie

Age - 31

Height - 5'6

Eye Color - Blue

Hair Color - Blonde

Birthday - May 28th

Zodiac - Gemini ♊

Personality - Snobby, Picky, Needy, High Maintenance, Demanding, Controlling, Perfectionist, Desire Based, Flirty, Seductive.

Piercings - Ears

Tattoos - None

Beauty Mark - On her wrist the inside of it.

Birth Mark - On her rib area.

Scars - None

Fears - Being Poor, Shopping In Thrift Stores, Getting Older.

Likes - Money, Shopping, Spending Money, Dressing Up, Expensive Wine & Champagne, Luxury Items, Going On Vacations, Having Fun, Drinking, Good Sex, Flirting, Seducing, Getting her way.

Dis - Likes - Poor People, Homeless, Losers, Bad Sex, Cheap Clothes, Cheap Alcohol, Little Kids, Babies, Obnoxious Teenagers. Anyone younger then 18 who isn't proper and well dressed.

Song(s) Of The Moment -

Gwen Stefani - Luxurious

Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl

Favorite Emojis -


Favorite Colors -


Pets - A Kitten, She demanded she have a small pet she can carry in a purse, Her husband didn't want a dog so she got a little kitten instead. Kitten is named Gucci and goes with her everywhere in an expensive carrier.

Siblings - An Older Sister

Parents - Mom Rachel is a luxury designer and has always been well off, Her father Damien owns his own banking companies. Also well off.

Background/Family Life -

Grew up rich with an older sister, is use to not working and being spoiled and getting her way. Was raised to marry rich like her father which she did and she's enjoying the high life without lifting a finger while he does all the work and provides. Went to college just for fun didn't really care about grades she just partied a lot. Now she still likes to party and have fun, She hates being serious and dealing with issues so she avoids them anytime she can. She doesn't talk to her sister a lot because she thinks her kids are obnoxious.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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