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Sarah sighed getting out of her car and walking to his front door. She knocked and waited. She heard screams from inside. "I said trust!" Chris screamed as he opened the door. 

They stared at each other, both thinking the same thing. 

I cant believe less than 2 days ago we kissed.

"Come on in..." He said opening the door more so she could walk in. "Why were you screaming?" She tried making normal conversation, but he seemed lost in thought. "Madi still doesn't believe me that you were coming over," 

She nodded awkwardly as he nodded. 
This is so awkward
they both thought as he stopped dead in his tracks.


"We can't be this weird around her. She will notice," Chris was looking everywhere except her eyes. "Yeah..."

"Okay.." Chris kept going up the stairs and sighed. 

"Madi! Open the door," Chris spoke as she heard the little girl scream. "No!"

"Madi?" Sarah said. The room went quiet as she heard some more shuffling around. The door creaked open. "Sarah!" 

She leaped into the girl's arms. "Madison!" 

"You are here! I thought I wouldn't see you ever!" Madi let go of the girl and then looked at Chris with a guilty look. "Oh- So you weren't lying..." She smiled at him as he widened his eyes. Of course, he was lying, she didn't have to know.

"What do you have to say to him?"

"I am sorry Chris..." She walked to her brother and hugged him. Chris knew he missed his sister, but finally hugging her, hit him harder than he wanted to admit. 


"Ice cream?" Madi asked as she grew tired of coloring. "That sounds good to me!" Chris turned to Sarah. "Yep!" She said causing Madi to scream in excitement.

"You'll drive?" He asked as they stood up. "It's not like you can," She laughed putting on her shoes. 

"Hey! I can drive. I just don't have a license," He put on his shoes, smiling. "So... you can't drive," She teased as he turned to her. A little bit closer than they wanted. 

"With or without a license I still am a better driver-"

"Oh please, Chris-"

"Hey! Can you guys stop flirting so we can go ahead and eat?" The teens looked at the little girl shocked. "What did you just say?"

"What? I hear Nick say stuff like that all the time?" She shrugged as she opened the door and walked out. They started laughing at the girl, as she patiently waited for the outside, smiling that they were acting like this.


"I love this day," Madi smiled. She had ice cream all over her mouth. They were sitting by the park, where they had the picnic, not so long ago. "Me too," Chris smiled wiping his sister's face with a napkin. 

"Do you love it, Sarah?" Madi asked as Sarah nodded smiling. "Can't wait for more days like these," She smiled. 

"Shut up! That is my friend from school! Tiffany!" Madi screamed as the little girl turned around. They both ran to each other and hugged. "Why does she know everyone?" Chris asked but Sarah was too busy eating her strawberry ice cream to even care. 

"Chris! Sarah! Can I go play with Tiffany!?" Madi approached them as they looked at each other... What were they supposed to tell the girl?
That they were afraid of being alone right now?
And she can't hang out with her friends because of that?

"Go ahead... But I have to be home soon... So don't take so long," Sarh smiled as the girl gave Chris her ice cream and ran off.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" He yelled as she turned back to him. "Hold it for me?" Nick's sassy tone boomed in her voice. "It's gonna melt?"

"Then eat it!" She smiled and ran off. They both laugh as Chris finishes eating it for his sister. He turned to Sarah. "So... You having fun?"

"Actually yeah. I love spending time with Madi," 

I like spending time with you.
He thought but didn't say.

"You were really stressed with the whole Madi thing, huh?" She a another spoonful. "Yeah... I don't know why," he was embarrassed, she could tell.

"She is your sister Chris... Of course, you were gonna care," She replied setting the ice cream cup down, she was done.
"I didn't realize how much abandonment issues our friendship had caused her," Sarah admitted, her eyes feeling heavy. 

"Yeah... And I am to blame for that," He admitted quietly as she slowly nodded. "It's okay now," She lied as he nodded, still feeling hurt by her tone. 

"Anyways... Me, Matt and Nick are having a birthday party next week. If you wanna come," He nodded as she did the same. "Um Yeah... Matt already invited me," 

"Yeah... Forget you two are besties," Chris said a little annoyed, he tried to hide it, but failed miserably. "Okay... I am gonna throw this away. You need me to throw those out for you?" She asked standing up ready to leave that conversation. 

Chris nodded giving her the cups and whispering a thank you. She walked to the nearest trash can as he cursed himself for being so awkward and weird. 

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𝙄𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 | 𝘾.𝙎Where stories live. Discover now