October 7th

45 3 0

The look in his eyes
The feeling in me when our eyes meet
Just for me to have to look away
Because we'll never be more than just friends with lustful looks

Friends don't act the way we act
Friends don't touch they way we touch
Friends Don't talk the way we talk
So why is it were 'only friends'

He moved on
So I did too
But I never tried to hard knowing that men always leave

Nobody wants something broken
You want something new and shiny without any dents I'm the something broken in question
When you release how many dents and scraps there is you go found the new pretty shiny girl; who is not me

She's so pretty and funny, I mean I get why you choose her
But she's not me, she won't understand your battles like I do
She won't understand why you break things when your mad, are why u hate your dad
She won't understand, but I will
But of course, she's a awful pretty lady

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