October 1st

273 9 3

She has this habit of being herself,
All the time;
That's why, not everybody likes her

I love him
Even though he breaks my heart, with a single glance
Even when his anger gets the best of him
Even if he hurts me; mentally
Even when he avoids me, or talks me ears off
At the end of the day the outcome is the same
I love him

I love you, but I don't wanna love you anymore
Loving you hurts me so much
But I don't wanna lose you either- sent at 2:23 am

Can you love two people at the same time?
The age old question, of love
I've still yet to figure out
If they were one person they would be perfect; but I can't have perfect
There's no fun in perfect
But can you love two people at once?
Only love can tell.

I don't say I love you to hear it back
I say it so you know somebody has you, that I love you
;But it's nice to hear it back

;my story is not over, it's just started

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