October 10th

37 1 0

Why does my ever wakeing thought run around this crazy word, love
Why does everyone love,love so much
What if my why, never gets answered

I want you
That hasn't changed since the day you walked into my life
But who knows if I'll ever get you
That's why it's just a want
And not a need

I will move on trust me
If I never moved on I'd still being crying about things from many years ago
I most move on, just forgetting love is a hard thing for me
I miss you, but I will move on

Do you miss me?
Because I miss you
I don't even know if I'd want to know if you still love me
Because I don't even know if I love you

Why am I like this
I don't want to be this person anymore
I thought I was better, I thought I was healing
But now I'm back to this never ending feeling
Of not wanting to be like me
I just wish I could be somebody else

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