October 4th

63 5 0

How can I be happy
There's so much wrong in this world
How can I be happy
When I know how much hate is in this world
How can I be happy with this world

Yet I smile
I hear rumors of me buzzing around
People leave me left n right
Getting yelled at is a daily passing
And yet I smile

I cry
And I cry
I do what I find normal
I cry till the pain, anger and sadness is gone

Crushs are strange
I like you one day and don't the next
People say I move on to quickly
But that's not my fault, blame my heart
I just like looking at pretty things, so I'll look till the shine wares off
Then I'll move on to the next pretty thing
But Is that really so bad?

I don't know what to do with my crumbleling heart
Should I hide my heart and not let anyone close
My heart is so broke, but I let everyone get close
I put my heart on the line and hope love will heal a crumbleling heart like mine<3

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