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Imlitala at Radha Kunda, Goverdhan is the place where a very large tamarind tree once stood and it was the place where Roop Goswami witnessed the most incredible swing pastimes of Radha and Krishna known as jhulana-lila. The word ‘imli’ means ‘tamarind’ and ‘tala’ means ‘tree’. Once while Roop Goswami was spending some time at Radha-kunda, he came and sat beneath this huge tamarind tree and became deeply absorbed in chanting. The next thing he became aware of was a very nicely decorated swing that he noticed hanging from one of the tree’s branches. The swing, also called a jhula, was designed in such a way that two persons could sit on the swing while facing each other. Then all of a sudden, Roop Goswami saw both Radha and Krishna arrive at the swing accompanied by all their gopi girlfriends. Krishna immediately climbed onto the swing and then invited Radharani to join Him. Radharani at first refused, because Krishna sometimes made this particular swing go far too high, which would always frighten Her. Krishna then promised that He would not to cause the swing go so high and the gopis said that they would themselves push the swing and would not allow it to go so very high. After much persuading, Radharani ultimately agreed to everyone’s repeated requests and sat down on the swing facing Krishna.
The gopis then began to gently push the swing backwards and forwards much to the pleasure of everyone. When Krishna saw that Radharani and the gopis were in a happy and relaxed mood while enjoying the jhulana pastimes, He cunningly began to move His legs ‘to and fro’ in order to make the swing go gradually higher. Within a very short time, and before the gopis could realize what was happening, the swing was going so high there was no way that they could control it. As the swing went even higher, Radharani pleaded with Krishna to stop, but Krishna just smiled sweetly and made the swing go even higher. Suddenly the swing reached such a height that it appeared that it would go a full circle right over the top of the tree branch. At that moment Radharani screamed aloud and leaped forward, throwing Her arms around Krishna’s neck while holding on for dear life. At that moment the swing went a full circle right over the top of the tree branch and came down on the other side. The gopis were amazed to see the swing go right over the top of the branch with Radharani firmly holding on to Krishna’s neck as if Her very life depended on it. When the swing finally slowed down, Radharani was still holding Krishna tightly in Her arms as if She would never let go. The gopis were so overjoyed and ecstatic to see Radharani embracing Krishna with such force, and they all started to laugh and clap their hands, while praising the incredible and uncommon pastimes of the ‘divine lovers’. At that same moment, having observed all that had happened, as waves of ecstasy flowed through the body and mind of Roop Goswami, he suddenly lost consciousness and fell on the ground. When Roop finally regained his senses, he saw that Radha and Krishna had left with Their friends, but the swing was still there hanging from the tree branch. Then, to his utter amazement, he noticed that the branch holding the swing was completely twisted due to the force of the swing as it went a full circle right over the top and down the other side.

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