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Madhumangala at once interjected: O friend, what is the use of asking her to eat these bananas. You should ask me to eat them. By constantly gazing at them I am becoming extremely hungry. I should stop at this very place, devour them all, and in this way satisfy the appetite burning in my stomach.

- When the expert gopis were posted in their places, Lord Krishna, filled with amorous longing, waited, fixing His eyes on the path where His beloved Radharani was to appear.

- As Lord Krishna waited for His lotus-faced beloved to arrive, He became very impatient. he considered each passing moment to be as long as hundred of thousands of yugas. Although His peaceful composure is generally deeper than hundreds of oceans, He became very agitated and restless. This is not at all surprising. This is the natural emotional response of genuine lovers for their beloved.

When the Divine Couple meet in the middle of the day They appeared very beautiful and charming, decorated with ornaments of various ecstatic symptoms. Although feigning indifference, They were filled with longing to meet each other. As They performed the sacred rituals of amorous love, they greatly enjoyed the joking words spoken by Lalita and the other gopis. They eagerly enjoyed transcendental pastimes in the forest, in the waters of Radha-kunda, and riding on the swing. They enjoyed various pastimes such as the pastime of Radha's stealing the flute, the pastime of drinking honey, the pastime of worshiping the sun-god, and various kinds of amorous pastimes. I meditate on this Shri Shri Radha and Krishna, who are served by Their eternal associates, and who are very eager to enjoy various transcendental pastimes in the middle portion of the day.

At that very moment, Shrimati Radharani, the beloved of Vraja's prince, approached nearby. Her mind was strongly drawn to her beloved Krishna. She yearned with every sense and limb to meet Him. As Her companion Visakha tried to console Her, the anxious Radharani spoke the following words:

Though the hearts of the gopis are like high-standing hills, they are inundated by the waves of the nectarean ocean of Krishna's beauty. The touch of His body is cooler than millions and millions of moons together, and the nectar of His bodily fragrance overfloods the entire world. O My dear friend, that Krishna, who is the son of Nanda Maharaja and whose lips are exactly like nectar, is attracting My five senses by force.

My dear friend, the luster of Krishna's body is more brilliant than a newly formed cloud, and His yellow dress is more attractive than newly arrived lightning. A peacock feather decorated His head, and on His neck hangs a lovely necklace of brilliant pearls. As He holds His charming flute to His lips, His face looks as beautiful as the full autumn moon. By such beauty, Madana-mohana the enchanter of Cupid, is increasing the desire of My eyes to see Him.

- O My friend, this cowherd prince, whose jingling ornaments attract the ears like the pleasant rumbling of monsoon clouds, whose words are full of delightful puns on syllables and words, whose sweet flute-music charms the hearts of the goddess of fortune Laksmi-devi and all other beautiful women, who is more enchanting than Cupid, has created within Me an intense desire to constantly hear His words and music with My ears.

The scent of Krishna's transcendental body surpasses the aroma of musk and attracts the minds of all women. The eight lotuslike parts of His body distribute the fragrance of lotuses mixed with that of camphor. His body is anointed with aromatic substances like musk, camphor, sandalwood and aguru. O My dear friend, that Personality of Godhead, also known as the enchanter of Cupid, always increases the desire of My nostrils.

My dear friend, Krishna's chest is as broad and attractive as a door made of indranila gems, and His two arms, strong as bolts, can relieve the mental anguish of young girls distressed by lusty desires for Him. In this way, Madana-mohana, the attractor of Cupid, is increasing the desire of My breasts.

My dear friend, the all-surpassing nectar from the lips of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, can be obtained only after many, many pious activities. For the beautiful gopis of Vrndavana, that nectar vanquishes the desire for all other tastes. Madana-mohana always chews pan that surpasses the nectar of heaven. He is certainly increasing the desire of My tongue.

Tulasi-devi then arrived at the assembly of gopis. Placing Lord krishna's gunja-necklace and two campaka flowers in Lalita's lotus hand, she happily narrated all that had occurred.

Lalita took the beautiful gunja-necklace and campaka-earrings, which had both become wonderfully fragrant by the touch of Lord hari. She happily placed them on the ears and breasts of her dear friend Shrimati Radharani.

- Touching the earrings and necklace, Shrimati Radharani felt the touch of Lord Krishna's transcendental body. Touched by Him, Her lotus eyes blossomed wide open, She began to tremble, and Her bodily hairs stood up. Although She yearned to immediately go to meet Him, She was stunned in ecstasy, and could not even move.

- When the intelligent gopis awakened Her, sober Shrimati Radharani at once spoke the following crooked joking words to them:

- O deer-eyed gopis, look before us, if you wish, and see the black deer of Krishna captured in the trap of Saibya's cunning words.

All of you are as strong as elephants. You should all try to rescue this black elephant Krishna who has fallen into Candravali's snare.

An intelligent person does not act rashly, thoughtlessly, or whimsically. He considers the situation soberly and then acts to obtain the desired result. O My friends, all of you please consider how to rescue our Krishna.

- Lalita then said: If Lord Hari does not meet us at the rendezvous, then Your prediction will have been true. If Saibya and her friends steal our Krishna, our going to meet Him will become a source of great embarrassment for us.

Hearing these words, Shrimati Radharani yearned to associate with the seemingly inaccessible Krishna.

Shrimati Radharani then said: My harsh husband, My mother-in-law Jatila, and My powerful enemies such as Nananda and Padma lurk in this forest of Vrndavana. Aside from them, during the daytime Lord Krishna is constantly surrounded by His cowherd boy friends. How will it be possible for me to cross these obstacles and meet My lover Krishna?

Within Her agitated mind Shrimati Radharani thought: I am so unfortunate. Today it is not very likely that I shall cross all these impediments and meet My lover Krishna. At that moment, however, an auspicious sign became manifested before Shrimati Radharani.

Shrimati Radharani then said: I can understand that nearby, on Govardhana-Hill, is a wonderful person, as strong as a bull, and filled with transcendental virtues. At that moment Shrimati Radharani felt a twitching sensation in Her left thigh, breasts, arm, and eye, indicating that the auspicious meeting with Her lover Krishna was now imminent.

- Noticing these auspicious signs, Shrimati Radharani became filled with joy. Her mind became drowned in thoughts of her deep love for Lord krishna. She thirsted to hear about Her heart's beloved Lord Krishna. At that moment She saw Dhanistha approaching.

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