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Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, stands on the bank of the River Yamuna with Srimati Radharani, His eternal consort, in this scene in Goloka Vrindavana, the Lord’s spiritual abode. The prancing peacock’s jubilant calls, the fragrance of the lotus and jasmine spreading on the cool, soughing breezes, the fresh springtime atmosphere-all lend the perfect touch to this most exalted spiritual event: the meeting of Radha and Krishna.

Yearning to meet His beloved Radharani, Lord Hari walked a little distance turned from the path, and arrived at His favorite place, Radha-kunda.

Filled with many jeweled staircases, and it's four corners studded with jewels, Radha-kunda appeared very beautiful.

In the four corners were pavilions studded with glistening jewels. Around the pavilions were jeweled mosaic floors and courtyards.

Around each pavilions were four wonderfully colorful swings, decorated with various fragrant flowers, and suspended from the branches of trees.

In the south was a swing suspended from two campaka trees. In the east was a swing suspended from two kadamba trees. In the north was a swing suspended from two mango trees. In the west was a swing suspended from two bakula trees. In the east by southeast corner the grove of trees came right up to the water and a little north of that place was a wonderfully colorful bridge suspended from pillars. The water of the lake was of varying depth, sometimes as deep as one's neck, chest, belly, navel, hips, thighs, or knees. The groves of tress on the shore were of varying shapes, some six-sided, seven-sided, eight-sided or circular. The temperature was always pleasant, the winters being warm and the summers cool. In all directions there were staircases studded with various jewels. The water which vanquished all thirst for it's drinkers, was decorated with waves that glistened as if they were many jewels. In the middle of the water was a great assembly of water=fowl. The shore was decorated with many courtyards where Shri Shri Radha and Krishna enjoyed many joking pastimes in the company of Their associates. There were many wonderfully colorful, broad mosaic floors, and in all directions there were many trees, blossoming with many large flowers and fruits, and embraced by many flowering creepers.

In the four corners of Radha-kunda there were gardens of madhavi creepers surrounded by groves of banira, kesara, and asoka trees.

Around these were the large groves of the various gopis, and beyond them were groves of plantain trees that provided nice transcendental fruits and cooling shade.

Beyond that were gardens and forests of flower-bearing trees. In the middle of Radha-kunda's waters was a glistering bridge leading to a jeweled palace.

In these gardens were many goddesses of fortune and hundreds of maidservants engaged by Vrnda-devi in collecting various fruits and flowers, and in rendering various services in pleasant cottage here and there in the forest.

There was no excessive heat or cold, and only the good qualities of spring and the other seasons were present in those groves of Radha-kunda. Vrnda-devi personally arranged that all the paths, courtyards, and building were regularly sprinkled with scented water, the gates and roofs decorated with many flags, and the forest-groves, path, swings, courtyards, and palaces were all wonderfully decorated with colorful flowers.

In those groves were many beautiful pastime-cottages. In those cottages were many couches fashioned of various flowers, flower-stems, and lotus petals and generous cushions. In those cottages were goblets of sweet nectar, betel-nuts, water, and other refreshments.

There were many kahlara, raktatpala, pundarika, pankeruha, indivara, and kairava lotus flowers in Radha-kunda. The honey and pollen falling from these flowers made the entire pondvery fragrant.

Radha-kunda was filled with the pleasant cooing of the swans, cranes, datuhas, madgus, cuckoos, and other birds, as well as the varatas, laksmanas, and other species of geese. Radha-kunda was also filled with the charming nectarean poems the jubilant male and female parrots recited describing the pastimes of Lord Krishna.

The peacocks become maddened with ecstatic love when they see the beautiful form of Lord Krishna, as splendid as a rain-cloud. These ecstatic peacocks coo and dance in the gardens and courtyards of Radha-kunda.

When the haritas, paravatas, catakas, and other wonderfully birds saw the form of Lord Krishna they became full of transcendental bliss. These birds filled the forest of Radha-kunda with a charming sound like nectar for the ears.

- The cakora birds in Radha-kunda's sky revile the feeble beauty of the moon. Instead they prefer to drink the nectarean moonlight of Lord Krishna's face, which is worshipped by billions of the best full moons.

The groves around Radha-kunda were filled with bending trees and creepers bearing many new sprouts, buds, blossomed flowers, unripe and ripe fruits. Radha-kunda was in the middle of a district of many lakes. It was filled with the splendor of many different kinds of lotus flowers. It's shore and waters were the place of Lord Hari's transcendental pastimes. It's numberless transcendental virtues eclipsed even the wonder of he milk-ocean in the plant of Svetadvipa.

Next to Radha-kunda is a similar lake named Syama-kunda, which was created by the touch of Lord Krishna's lotus foot. Around Radha-kunda are eight groves named after the eight principal gopis. These gopis lovingly created these groves with great effort to please the dear Divine Couple by facilitating Their pastimes.

Many gardens and a tree-lined path mark the boundary of the Radha-kunda area.

The narrow lanes in the Radha-kunda area were made of pure crystal studded with sapphires. They appeared like little creeks with diminutive waves.
The jewels in these lanes reflect the nearby jeweled walls. These walls have many doors leading to pleasant gardens which appear to be in another world.
To the north of the Radha-kunda area is the courtyard named Ananga-rangambuja, within which is a pleasant golden plantain and bakula grove in the shape of an eight-petaled lotus. The courtyard itself is in the shape of a thousand-petaled lotus whose lovely whorl is fashioned of glittering golden mosaics. In this pleasant lotus-courtyard there are many nice places which are extremely suitable for the Lord's pastimes. By this courtyard is the opulent palace named Lalitanandana, where Shri Shri Radha and Krishna, the monarchs of Vrndavana-forest reign. This palace is pleasant in every season. It is decorated and maintained by Lalita's student Kalavati, and it is the abode of various pastimes for the Divine Couple.

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