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My dear celibate brahmachari, You have no business in this flower-garden where young girls play

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My dear celibate brahmachari, You have no business in this flower-garden where young girls play. Leave this place. Return to Your cowherd friends, and protect the surabhi cows as they eat the fresh grasses of Vraja.

As Radharani spoke, the cakora bird of Lord Hari eagerly drank the flood of nectarean joking words flowing from Shrimati Radharani's cooling, beautifully smiling moonlike face. As the cakora-bird Hari drank, the cakora-birds of the gopis' eyes showed signs of dissatisfaction.

Shrimati Radharani proceeded to decorate the neck of Her lover Krishna with a garland of the blue lotus flowers of Her sidelong glances. She became afraid that Krishna might touch Her, and, expressing Her contempt for Him in a wordless breath, playfully turned as if to leave His company at once.

The transcendental body of His beloved Radharani was like a wonderful dancer performing before Lord Krishna. By seeing Her, He became agitated with amorous longings, and He again grasped the edge of Her sari.

Shrimati Radharani bent the bow of Her eyebrows and attacked Her beloved Krishna with the arrows of glances from the reddened corners of her eyes. She pierced the armor of His peaceful composure, and repeatedly stuck Him with the toy lotus flower in Her hand.

Struck by Radharani's lotus, Lord krishna became filled with transcendental bliss. Indeed, He was not able to measure the intense happiness that filled His transcendental body, the resting-place of numberless universes. Out of ecstatic happiness He trembled, perspired, shed tears, and the hairs of His body stood erect.

The touch of Lord Krishna caused Shrimati Radharani's transcendental body to blossom with happiness. The knot holding Her bodice became loose, Her silk undergarment began to slip, and the lower part of Her body began to perspire.

When Shrimati Radharani saw the smiles of Her amused gopi-friends, She became embarrassed, and Her eyes moved restlessly. As She struggled to protect Herself from Lord Krishna's hand, Her sari and undergarments began to fall. Although ordinarily very expert, She became bewildered and unable to protect Herself.

Lord Krishna then began the jubilant festival of cupid by placing His hand near Shrimati Radharani's breasts, which were like two beautiful golden waterpots filled with Her perspiration.

Shrimati Radharani observed Lord Krishna from the reddish corner of Her left eye and Her smiling gopi-friends with Her other eye. She hastily tried, somehow or other, to keep Krishna's hand from ripping Her undergarments.

Shrimati Radharani simultaneously smiled and shed tears. With crooked eyes and stuttering voice She criticizing Her lover, although actually She longed for His embraces. With crooked activities born of crooked happiness Shrimati Radharani pretended to resist Lord Krishna's hand, although She actually had no objection to fulfilling any of His desires.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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