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Seeing Dhanistha so happy at their meeting, Shrimati Radharani thought she must have been sent with a message from Her heart's beloved Lord krishna. Considering this, Shrimati Radharani became

agitated with various sentiments of ecstatic love, and Her thoughts became repeatedly anointed with the desire to hear about Krishna. Using various clever pretexts to ask about Krishna, She spoke the following words:

O My friend, please tell Me, how has this forest of Vrndavana become so suddenly filled with all the beauty of spring? please tell Me, who is this cowherd-prince now standing before us?

O My friend, this springtime sweetness bears the mark of all beauty and opulence. This sweetness is filled with hordes of chubby bumble-bees, drawn to the nectars of various blossoming flowers. This springtime sweetness reverberates with the charming conversations of the cuckoos. This springtime sweetness inflame the amorous desire of the young gopis.(O My friend, the sweetness of Lord Krishna is full of all beauty and opulence. This sweetness attracts the bumble-bees, who are drawn by the garland of forest-flowers worn by the Lord. The sweetness of Lord Krishna reverberates with His clever charming speeches and the pleasing flute-melodies of his flute. Lord Krishna's charming sweetness inflames the amorous desire of the young gopis.)

Dhanistha replied: Who is able to describe the glory of spring? My friend simply by seeing the beauty of spring one become agitated by hosts of amorous desires.(Who is able to describe the beauty of Lord krishna? Simply by seeing Him, You have become agitated by hosts of amorous desires.)

Dhanistha continued: The peak of Govardhana Hill is very splendid and beautiful. It is formed of multi-colored minerals. The rustling sounds of the bamboo growing there reassure the worried cows that streams of drinking water flow nearby. The tumultuous sounds of the birds and other creatures provide a pleasant environment. The peak of Govardhana Hill provides nourishment for all the surabhi cows. It provides the young cows and boys with a pleasant place to sport and play.(Lord krishna, the lifter of Govardhana Hill, is splendidly handsome. His limbs are colorfully decorated with various mineral pigments. He carefully protects the surabhi cows and takes care that they are properly nourished by eating the fresh grasses. He loudly plays the buffalo horn bugle. He performs many jubilant childhood pastimes. His sweet flute-playing reassures all the surabhi cows, who are all afraid that king Indra may again try to inundate Vrndavana with torrential rains.)

By drinking the nectar of Dhanistha's puns, Shrimati Radharani became intoxicated. In order to obtain a clear description of the activities of Her lover Krishna, Shrimati Radharani conversed with Dhanistha in the following way:

Radha: Where are you going now?

Dhanistha: I am going to see You.

Radha: For what purpose?

Dhanistha: To relay some news to You.

Radha: What is the news?

Dhanistha: The news is about Shri Krishna, the moon of Vraja.

Radha: What is the news of Him?

Dhanistha: The news is that Shri Krishna has become completely crushed the darkness of ignorance spread by His enemy, the demigod Cupid.

Although Krishna was alone and unarmed, and although cupid was accompanied by many followers and armed with dangerous weapons, still, angry Krishna, armed with only His transcendental bodily sweetness, easily defeated the demigod cupid.

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