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Krishna: Who is this picking My flower? Radha: It is not just anyone

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Krishna: Who is this picking My flower? Radha: It is not just anyone. It is I. Who are You? You do not know who I am? No. I do not know You_ If You do not recognized Me, I think You should leave this place at once_ I am a male bumble-bee drinking the honey of these flowers. If I leave this place I shall not be able to live. If I leave this place where shall I go? Go to Your bumble-bee mate_ Are You not the bumble-bee mate I have found among these flowers? After speaking these words, Lord Madhusudana approached nearer to Shrimati Radharani. He then spoke the following words:

My dear girl You are very charming, and You are also enchantly beautiful. In addition to this You are also very saintly and born in a highly respectable noble family. In spite of these exalted qualification You are not so timid that You will not approach this punnaga tree. If You are not reluctant to approach this tree in the forest, then why should You be ashamed to freely wander from forest to forest? Your sudden shyness is certainly very surprising.

You, and I, and all our friends have come to this forest to worship the sun-god. We are all very enthusiastic to worship him. My dear girl, just look at this punnaga tree. Although the flowering malati-creepers enthusiastically embrace him, he still does not embrace them in return.

My dear girl with beautiful face, You look bewildered. I think You do not understand anything of the words I have spoken. Listen carefully, and I shall explain them to You. I said that this punnaga tree is cooled by various friendly and unfriendly winds. I said that although many malati-creepers embrace this punnaga tree, he never embraces them in return.

Emperor Cupid, the ruler of this forest, has happily appointed Me as his policeman. I have personally seen You steal a flower here, and so I shall now punish You by confiscating these two jeweled pitchers sprouted from Your youthful beauty.

If You had asked permission, saying: I request that I may be allowed to pick a flower, then I would not even notice You picking flowers. I am always accompanied by My cowherd friends, and I never have the opportunity to see any beautiful young girls. How can I refuse a beautiful young girl like You? Indeed, what young boy can retain a peaceful demeanor when he sees a beautiful young girl like You in a secluded place like this?

Furthermore, You are not alone, You are always surrounded by thousands of gopis-accomplices. You have stolen the supreme treasure in this pious kingdom, and if I do not punish You, then I Myself will be severely punished by king Cupid.

At that time Shrimati Radharani replied in the following words: We regularly pick flowers from this forest, but yet we have never before seen You posted here as a policeman. As for this Emperor Cupid, we have never heard of him, even in dream, so why do You uselessly chatter these lies? give up these tall stories about cupid, and tell us the truth.

Lord Krishna replied in the following words: Intently devoted to herding the surabhi cows, and blindly confident that everything was already protected by My great prowess, I neglected My guard-duties. Because of My neglect You were able to steal some of this forest's wealth without being detected.

King Cupid has already punished Me for tolerating Your crimes, but now hiding Myself, I have captured You. For Your own good I shall now hand You over to him, and that King Cupid, of whom You have never heard, You will see with Your own eyes.

Radharani said: Be kind. Excuse My crime. Do not punish Me. I did not know there was a policeman guarding these forests. Lord Krishna said: How is Your release possible? I have no power to release You from the hand of justice.

The moving and stationary creatures of the forest became very agitated to see Your crimes, and they reported all of them to King Cupid. King Cupid angrily punished Me with a stick for My incompetence, and ordered Me to bring before him this girl who has never heard of him.

This forest, which has an area of 32 miles, is Cupid's kingdom, and the grass and other valuable objects in the forest are King Cupid's treasury. You ask: Who are his objects? Listen attentively and I shall describe them. King Cupid's subjects are the saintly vraja-gopis, who are enriched with the beauty and opulence of all the universe.

Lord Krishna continued: My dear girl, I think that the limbs of Your body, embarrassed by great poverty, have become professional thieves, and they wander through this forest of Vrndavana, stealing the wealth that Cupid has placed there. I think the palm of Your hand must have stolen it's beauty from the lotus petals in Vrndavana. I think Your body has certainly stolen the graceful motions of the swans and intoxicated elephants. I think Your fingernails and toenails have stolen their beauty from the mirrorlike reflections in the still ponds of Vrndavana. I think Your legs have stolen their beauty from the golden plantain trees. I think Your knees have stolen their beauty from exquisitely fashioned jeweled cases. I think Your thighs have stolen their beauty from the graceful trunks of the elephants. I think Your torso has stolen the beauty of the splendid courtyards by the Yamuna's shore. I think Your waist has stolen it's beauty from the slender waist of the lion. I think Your navel has stolen it's beauty from the ponds of nectar. I think the line of hairs stretching from Your navel to Your breasts has stolen it's beauty from the glistening black snake. I think Your abdomen has stolen it's beauty from the banyan leaves. I think Your breasts have stolen their beauty from tala fruits, shri fruits, unblossomed lotus buds, cupid's personal throne, and the frontal lobes of regal elephants. I think Your arms have stolen their beauty from lotus stalks, and cupid's rope. I think Your fingers have stolen their beauty from the petals of the asoka flowers. I think You have stolen Your beauty from the multitude of cupid's own personal potencies. I think Your bodily luster has stolen it's beauty from the flashes of lightning. I think the hair on Your head has stolen it's beauty from the swarms of black bumble-bees. I think Your teeth have stolen their beauty from the pearls and diamonds. I think Your skin has stolen it's beauty from gold. I think Your eloquent words have stolen their charm from the parrots' speeches. I think Your singing has stolen it's beauty from the cuckoos' songs. I think Your dancing has stolen it's gracefulness from the peacocks. I think Your eyes have stolen their beauty from white jasmine flowers, saphari fishes, cakora birds, khanjana birds, and the eyes of does. I think Your eyebrows have stolen their beauty from Cupid's bow. U think the movements of Your eyes have stolen their beauty from cupid's bowstring. I think Your glances have stolen their beauty from cupid's sharpened arrows. I think Your lips have stolen their beauty from roses and bandhujiva flowers. I think Your teeth have stolen their beauty from pomegranate seeds. I think Your neck has stolen it's beauty from the lines in the conch-shell. I think Your hair stolen it's beauty from the camara's tail. I think Your graceful gestures have stolen their beauty from the gentle waves in the Yamuna river. In this way everything You have has been stolen. It is actually the property of Emperor Cupid.

Lord Krishna's joking words were like nectar flowing into Radharani's ears. Hearing these words caused Her body to spontaneously manifest various symptoms of ecstatic love, which She was able to suppress and conceal only with great effort. She whispered under Her breath: What lies has this libertine Krishna placed upon My ears. I must leave this place immediately. From the corner of Her eyes charming Radharani contemptously stared at Her lover Krishna. Feigning indifference, She began to quickly exit. Lord Hari grasped the corner of Her sari, and said: Wicked girl, first You insult Me, and then You try to escape. Where do You think You are going?

Lord krishna's touch overwhelmed Radharani with feelings of ecstatic bliss. Her head tilted, Radharani gazed at Her beloved Krishna.

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