Chapter 4

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Liam got out of bed, seeing that Zayn went to work. He went into Harry and Louis' room to wake them up. "Harry, Louis. Time to get up." Liam said. Louis sat up in his crib and stretched his arms out so Liam would pick him up. Liam took Louis out of his crib while Harry got out of bed. "Wanna go wake up Niall?" He asked Harry. "Yeah." Harry replied, going into Niall's room.

Liam carried Louis downstairs and put him in his high chair so Liam could start making breakfast. Liam heard a scream and someone come done the stairs. Harry ran into the kitchen. "Harry, no running in the house. Who screamed?" Liam asked. "Niall." Harry answered. "Why did he scream?" Liam asked him. 'Cause I was jumping on the bed to wake him up and I must've scared him. I sorry, Daddy. I didn't mean too." Harry said. "You know you're not supposed to jump on the bed. You could get hurt." Liam told Harry,

"I know. I sorry." Harry replied, sitting at the table. "I know." Liam said, giving Harry and Louis their breakfast. "I'll be right back. I'm going to check on Niall. Don't make a mess." He said to Harry and Louis. He went upstairs and into Niall's room. Liam saw Niall sitting in his bed, silently crying. Liam walked over to him and sat next to him. "What's wrong?" He asked, even though he knew what happened and wiping Niall's tears.

"Harry was jumping on my bed and he scared me. I thought he was going to hurt me." Niall cried. Liam pulled Niall into his lap and could feel the wetness from Niall's tears. HIs cries soon turned into sniffles. "You're safe here. Me and Daddy Zayn will protect you and your brothers. We wouldn't let anything happen to three." Liam said. "C'mon, lets go eat breakfast." He picked Niall up and put him on his hip. Niall sat at the table and Liam handed him his plate. "Daddy, I done." Harry said. "Me too." Louis chimed in. "Ok, but you have to wait for everyone else to finish eating." Liam replied.

"But Daddy, I wanna get down." Harry said. "Harry, you're going to wait until me and Niall are done eating." Liam said, calmly. "No! I wanna go play!" Harry yelled, knocking over his cup of juice, making it spill. Liam got up and picked Harry up. "Harry, you are going in timeout because you yelled at me and were not listening." He put Harry down and Harry walked to sat on the naughty chair. Liam went back into the kitchen. "You boys can go play." He said to Niall and Louis. He took Louis out of his high chair and put him down.

"Come on, Lou. Let's go play with the blocks." Niall said. "Okay." Louis smiled. Liam cleaned up the dishes and Harry's juice. Once he was done, he went to gather the boys so they could get dressed. "Harry, you can get off the naughty chair." Liam said. Harry walked over to Liam and said, "I'm sorry for spilling my juice and yelling at you." "You're forgiven." Liam said, picking up Harry and carrying him upstairs. Louis and Niall were playing with blocks. Liam put a new pull-up on Harry and got him dressed. "Those are my blocks." Harry said, going over by Niall and Louis.

"No, they're not. They're for all of us to pway with." Louis said. "They're mine!" Harry shouted, pushing Louis over. Louis started to cry. "Harry, you do not push your brother." Liam told him. He picked up Louis and changed his diaper and got him dressed. "Niall, go get dressed so we can go to the park." Liam said. "Okay, Daddy." Niall said, running out of Louis and Harry's room. "We going to park?" Louis asked.  "Yup." Liam replied, getting dressed. "Can I bring my red Power Ranger?" Louis asked, hoping his daddy would say yes. "Sure. But don't lose it." Liam told Louis. "I won't, Daddy Li." Louis promised.

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