Chapter 9

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A/N: The picture is of Harry's highchair

Zayn pushed  the blonde girl off of him and felt Harry and Louis hug his legs. He picked up both boys and began peppering kisses all over their faces. The boys giggled, telling their papa to stop.

Liam finally entered the room and made his way over to Zayn. "How could you do this to me? To our sons?" Liam said, taking Harry and Louis out of Zayn's arms and walking out of the room. 

"Wow." Zayn's student said after Liam left. "This is all your fault." Zayn said, pointing at his student. "Thank you, Perrie, for making my husband think that I'm cheating on him." He said, sarcastically. "Well, on the bright side, you'll get to be with me." Perrie smiled.

"You don't understand," Zayn chuckles. "I'm gay, married and have three wonderful sons. I'm not about to lose my job and I'm not about to lose my family. This is your fault. Now get out." Zayn growled. Perrie got her stuff together and left while Zayn tried to call Liam but kept getting his voicemail. "Uhh!" He groaned, knowing Liam is upset and giving him the silent treatment.

Once the last bell of the day rang, Zayn packed up everything he needed to bring home in his briefcase. As he was leaving, he saw one of his students walking on the sidewalk. "Ashton, do you need a ride home?" Zayn asked, as he was pulling over. "No, thank you, Mr. Payne-Malik." Ashton replied and kept walking. "Ashton, let me take you home." Zayn pleaded. Ashton reluctantly got in the car. Ashton gave Zayn the directions to his house. When Zayn pulled in front of Ashton's house, they could hear someone yelling. "Everything alright?"Zayn questioned, fearing for the safety of his student. Ashton nodded and got out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Mr. Payne-Malik." He shouted before going inside.

When Zayn got home, Liam had just finished making dinner. "Papa's home!" Harry shouted, running over to Zayn. "Hey, buddy." Zayn greeted. "Papa." Louis said, toddling over. "Where's Niall?" Zayn wondered. "He in his room doing homework." Harry answered. "Dinner's ready!" Liam yelled. Niall came downstairs, "Hi, Papa." Zayn walked into the kitchen with Harry and Louis. He placed Harry in his highchair and put Louis in his highchair. Instantly, tears pooled in Louis' eyes. "Papa." He cried, making grabby hands at Zayn.

Zayn took him out of the highchair and sat him in his lap once he was seated. Liam had made spaghetti and meatballs. Zayn put bibs around Harry's and Louis' necks so they didn't get sauce on their clothes. Zayn helped feed Louis since he was playing with the meatballs. When they were done, both Liam and Zayn both laughed when they saw how messy their boys were (mostly Harry and Louis). "Alright, I'll clean up while Daddy gives Harry and Louis a bath and Niall takes a shower." Zayn said, starting to wipe Louis' face. Liam took Louis from Zayn and helped Harry get down from his chair.

Once Liam was upstairs and giving the two youngest a bath, Niall stayed behind. "Papa?" "Yes, Ni?" "I have a crush." Niall blushed. Zayn 'awed' and then asked, "And who is this girl or boy that has my baby's heart?" "Luke." Niall mumbled. "What?" Zayn said. "Luke." Niall said louder. "Luke Clifford?" Zayn confirmed. Niall blushes and nods his head.  Zayn bends down to Niall's height. "It's okay to like boys." Zayn reassures Niall.  "Now, come on. Let's get you in the shower." He says, picking up Niall.

Once Niall, Harry, and Louis were in bed and asleep, Zayn and Liam were laying in bed, talking. "Liam, I want to explain what happened this afternoon. The girl was a student of mine and that was the first time that she made a move on me. I asked the principal if she could be switched into another english class. You know that I would never cheat on you." Zayn explained. Liam leaned over and pecked Zayn on the lips. "I forgive you and I'm sorry that I accused you." He said.

Zayn lay awake as Liam slept. He couldn't stop thinking about Ashton.

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