Chapter 3

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Zayn parked the car and got out to unbuckle Louis, who was still asleep. Zayn carried him inside and put him in his crib. Liam inbuckled Harry and carried him inside and laid him on his bed. Zayn came back downstairs and went out to the car to bring the bags in. Niall sat on the couch and turned on the t.v.

Liam sat next to Niall on the couch and watched Spongebob. "Niall, can you tell me what your dream was about last night?" Liam asked. "My dad was coming after me and wanted to hurt me." Niall replied, with tears in his eyes. "Don't cry. It was just a dream. You're fine." Liam reassured Niall. Harry came down the stairs with his stuffed bear in his hand. "Daddy Liam, Daddy Zayn said I can pick out what movie to watch." Harry said.

Right then, Zayn came into the room carrying Louis. "Don't you have something to tell Daddy Liam?" Zayn asked Harry, putting Louis down. "I'm sorry, Daddy." Harry told Liam. "Daddy Zayn, can we watch Peter Pan?" Louis asked. "No, we're watching The Lion King." Harry said to Louis. "Lou, I told Harry that he could pick the movie. It's his turn to choose." Zayn said.

"But I want to watch Peter Pan." Louis mumbled. "Maybe later we can watch it." Liam told Louis. "No! I don't want to watch The Liin King." Louis yelled, hitting Harry. Harry bursted into tears. "Louis William, you do not hit your brother. C'mon you're going in timeout." Zayn said. "No!" Louis shouted, running away from Zayn.

Liam put The Lion King into the dvd player and cuddled up with Niall and Harry. "Louis, I am not playing games. Go sit in timeout." Zayn said. "I don't wanna." Louis muttered. Zayn walked over to Louis and picked him up. He started to squirm in Zayn's arms. Zayn sat Louis on the bottom step of the stairs and told him,"You are going to sit here for 5 minutes and if you get up, I will keep adding time and you will be sitting here longer."

Zayn sat next to Harry and watched the movie. Without anyone noticing, Louis went upstairs into his and Harry's room. He started to pack all of his toys and his stuffed animals. Louis went back downstairs to slip his shoes on. "What are you doing?" Zayn asked. "I leaving." Louis replied, making Zayn chuckle. "Where are you gonna go?" He asked Louis. "I don't know." Louis answered.

Zayn got down to Louis height and said,"Lou, you can't runaway because you didn't get your way. I told Harry that he could pick a movie when we got home from shopping. We can watch Peter Pan tomorrow night. Ok?" "Okay Daddy." Louis said. "Let's go put your stuff away." Zayn smiled. Louis and Zayn came back downstairs a few minutes later and Louis walked over to Harry. "Haz, I sorry for hitting you." Louis apologised. "It's okay." Harry said.

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