Chapter 8

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"Niall, it's time to to get up." Zayn said, rubbing Niall's shoulder. Niall jumps out of bed forgetting about his leg. "Ow." He whimpered. Zayn say Niall on the bed an looked at Niall's leg. The bruise was ack and blue with a hint of purple. Zayn lightly touched the bruise with his fingers. "Ow, Papa." Niall said, moving his leg away from Zayn. "Sorry, bud." Zayn apologised. He got up and left Niall's room so he could get dressed and walked into Harry and Louis' room.

Zayn walked over to Harry first and combed his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry fluttered his eyes open and said, "Morning, Papa." Harry got out of bed while Zayn woke up Louis. He changed Louis' diaper while Harry got dressed. "Papa, I gotta go potty." Harry told Zayn, who was getting Louis dressed. "Ok, come on." Zayn said, grabbing Harry's hand and walking out of the room and into the bathroom. When Harry was done, Zayn told him to go downstairs for breakfast while he went back into Harry and Louis' room to finish getting Louis dressed. As he got closer, he could see clothes on the floor and a naked Louis. "Louis William Payne-Malik, why are you naked?" Zayn questioned. "Me no wear clothes." Louis simply answered. "Well, you need to wear a diaper and you need to wear clothes." Zayn said, picking up Louis, who was pouting, and put a new diaper on.

He opened the closet and looked through the shirts on Louis' side and took out a Spider-Man shirt, a shirt that said 'Vans', and a shirt with dinosaurs on it. "What shirt do you want to wear, Louis?" Zayn asked. Louis pointed to the shirt with the dinosaurs on it. Once Louis was dressed, he and Zayn went downstairs to join Liam, Harry, and Niall for breakfast.

When the boys finished breakfast, Liam cleaned up the dishes and two little boys while Zayn got ready ready to go to work and Niall watched TV, waiting for Zayn. Zayn came back down after a few minutes and he and Niall left, leaving Liam, Harry, and Louis alone. Liam needed to run some errands so he put Harry's shoes on and was about to grab Louis' shoes when Louis shouted, "No shoes." "Babe, you gotta wear shoes. I'm wearing shoes and Harry's wearing his shoes." Liam replied. Louis huffed, but none the less let Liam put his shoes on. Liam buckled both boys into their car seats and drove to his first stop which was the grocery store. He parked and unbuckled Harry and Louis, locked the car and grabbed their hands. Liam grabbed a cart and was about to pick up Louis when once again Louis spoke, "Me walk, Daddy." "Okay, but you stay by me and no wondering off." Liam warned, putting Harry into the basket part of the cart.

After 20 minutes of being in the store, Liam, along with Harry and Louis, made his way to the register. Louis stayed by Liam the whole time. Of course, Louis saw the candy and asked Liam, "Daddy, I get candy?" Liam thought about it and replied with a yes. Louis grabbed a ring pop while Harry grabbed a bag of M&M's. Liam paid for the groceries and put the bags in the trunk and got back into the car. He told Harry and Louis that they can have their candy after lunch.

Liam's next stop was dropping off lunch for Zayn at the high school he worked at. He was an English teacher. Liam parked the car and got out of the drivers side and unbuckled Louis and Harry before grabbing Zayn's lunch. He Locke the car and turned around to see Harry standing there while Louis was running around in circles. "LOUIS WILLIAM! Stop running around and come over here." Liam yelled. Louis stopped and walked over to his daddy while trying not to fall. Liam grabbed Louis' hand while Harry walked beside him and the tree went into the school.

He, Louis, and Harry made their way down the hallway where Zayn's classroom is located. They stopped outside of Zayn's classroom. Liam helped Louis open the door, but before he could step in, Liam saw a sight he would never be able to unsee. "Papa!" Louis and Harry shouted, running over to Zayn.

What do you think zayn was doing? Little rebel Louis in this chapter.
Sorry I haven't updated this story in a while.

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