Chapter 10

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A/N: I know Ashton's dad left when he was little but since this is only fiction and my story, his mom and dad are still together

When Liam woke up, Zayn was not in bed. He got up and went to wake up Harry and Louis. Zayn wakes Niall up since they both have to get ready to go to school. Liam woke Harry up pretty easily. "Morning, Peanut." Liam said. "Morning, Daddy." Harry said, rubbing his eyes with closed fists. "Do you have to go potty?" Liam asked. Harry shook his head no. Liam helps get Harry dressed and tells him to go downstairs. Liam walks into Louis' room to see Louis standing up, sucking on his pacifier and holding onto his stuffed kitten named, Dog. Liam took Louis out of his crib and played him on the changing table. Liam unzipped Louis' onesie and changed his diaper. He dressed Louis in jeans and a white short sleeve shirt.

Liam carried Louis downstairs and into the kitchen where Zayn, Niall, and Harry sat eating breakfast. He sat Louis in his highchair and poured some Cheerios onto the tray attached to the highchair. Zayn finished eating along with Niall so he could drop him off on the way to work. "Bye, babe. Bye, Hazza. Bye, Loubear." Zayn said, kissing Liam on the lips and Harry and Louis on the forehead.

Zayn dropped Niall off at the elementary school and drove to the high school. He parked the car, grabbed his briefcase and made his way into the building to his classroom. By the time Zayn finished writing the lesson on the board, students started walking into the classroom. Just as the late bell was about to ring, Ashton walked in. Zayn noticed that he had a black eye and a busted lip. He made a mental note to ask him to stay after class.

"Ashton, can I see you after class?" Zayn asked, before starting the day's lesson. The classed 'ohh'ed' but stop when Zayn said, "Enough." Ashton nodded his head.

Back At The Payne-Malik House

Liam was cleaning the house while Harry and Louis played with their toys. Harry was busy coloring that he didn't realize that he had to use the bathroom. By the time he noticed it was too late. He started to squirm then saw a dark forming on his pants. "Daddy!" He sobbed. Louis looked up from playing with his blocks. "Hazza go potty?" He asked Harry.

Liam ran into the room, thinking that one of his boys were hurt. He saw Harry crying and walked over to him before bending down. "What's wrong, baby?" Liam asked. "I go potty in my pants." Harry sniffled. "It's alright. Everybody has accidents." Liam reassured him. He picked Harry up, mindful of the wet patch on Harry's pants, and carried Harry into the bathroom. Harry stopped crying but was still sniffling while Liam undressed him. Liam made sure the water wasn't too hot before putting Harry in the tub. He washed up Harry and took him out of the tub. "Will I have to wear a pull-up?" Harry whimpered. "No. We'll just make sure you get to the bathroom in time." Liam replied.

As Liam was getting Harry dressed, a loud cry was heard coming from downstairs. "Stay here. I'll be right back." Liam told Harry before going downstairs. When Liam got downstairs, he saw Louis on the floor holding his head. "What happened, boo?" He asked Louis. "Fell, Daddy." Louis cried. Liam picked him up and looked at his head. There was a bump on Louis' forehead. "My poor baby." Liam said, kissing the bump. Louis had stopped crying and played his head on Liam's shoulder, sucking his thumb. Liam carried Louis upstairs and into Louis' room to lay him in his crib.

Liam walked out of Louis' room and back into Harry's. When Harry was dressed in clean clothes, he and Liam went back downstairs.

Back At School

The bell rang signaling that first period was over and that it was time to get to second period. Ashton stayed behind just like Zayn had asked. "What did you need to see me for?" He asked. "What happened to your face?" Zayn wondered, ignoring Ashton's question. "I- uh, I fell down the stairs." Ashton lied. "Do you really think that I would believe that?" Zayn questioned. 

"Okay. The truth is my dad hit me." Ashton replied. Zayn walked over to Ashton to take a closer look at his face. Zayn ran his thumb across Ashton's bottom lip which made Ashton hiss in pain.

Zayn leaned in and kissed Ashton.

A/N: What do you think Ashton will do? Is Zayn going to cheat on Liam? 

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