Quidditch= A bruise and A Party~ Tracey and Sophie

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The Great Hall was full of people. I blinked "What are they all doing here?"

"You've got me," Kevin looked as confused as me "The game can't be over already, can it?"

"Well—yeah, technically, it can be, if the snitch was caught. I've never heard of a game going this fast before though," I saw Archie coming into the hall "Hey!"

He stopped and turned towards me "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Archie looked from me to Kevin "Weren't you two at the game?"

We both shook our heads, which made Archie laugh "Potter caught the snitch less than five minutes into the game, it was insane. The Gryffindors are all going mental."

Archie was swept off by some of his friends, at the same time I saw Draco stalking into the Hall, obviously mad. He headed for the stairs, bypassing the Great Hall. I glanced at Kevin "I should probably go see what that's about, see you around."

He caught my arm as I turned to leave "Tracey, I will figure out what's behind that door."

"When you do, I better be the first one you tell," I smiled at him, and he returned it.

"Naturally," he let go of my arm and started to walk backwards towards the hall "See you around, Kaa."

Then he turned and joined the crowed. I let out a little laugh, and turned the other way, towards the Slytherin common room.

I caught up to Draco at the bottom of the stairs. He was alone, Crabbe and Goyle were probably up in the Great Hall stuffing themselves. There was a bruise forming under his right eye.

"What happened to you?" I couldn't help it, I blurted it out before I could think.

His eyes narrowed, and he let out a breath almost in a hiss "I don't want to talk about it."

"Suit yourself, but if you don't tell me now, I will ask again later," I made to move past him "While you're in the common room, and who knows who else might be around then."

"I hate you," I smiled knowing I had won. I stopped and turned back to face him.

"I know."

He looked down at me, the two extra steps making him taller. I crossed my arms waiting. Draco let out an exasperated sigh "Weasley and Longbottom decided to take a civilized conversation and turn it into a fist fight."

I couldn't help it, a smile crept onto my face "And you didn't do anything to provoke them?"

He didn't answer, just glared at me. If anything that made my smirk bigger "Who got you, Weasley or Longbottom?"

"Shut up Davis," Draco hissed, starting down the rest of the stairs.

"No seriously, who was it?" I followed him towards the dormitory door "I need to know who to hex later."

"Right, cause you'll actually hex whoever it was. Alihotsy Draught." The common room door swung open. Draco stopped in the doorway and softly said "Weasley" before entering the room.

I smiled to myself, and followed him through the door.


I could hear the celebrations all the way up in the dormitory, with the door closed. The noise didn't bother me, I could zone it out without a problem. However it never failed to amaze me how loud groups of Gryffindors could be.

The door swung open, and I glanced up from my book to see Hermione coming into the room. She smiled at me in greeting, but as soon as I nodded to her it fell again. She moved to her bed, one of the ones next to mine, and started to go through her side table.

"Should—shouldn't you be—be downstairs?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you?" Hermione responded, trying to sound light hearted, but I could tell something was bothering her. I didn't mention it.

"It was- wasn't my- my fr- friend who caugh- caught the sn- snitch—" her lips turned up the slightest bit, like something I said had made her happy.

"You're a total quidditch geek though," I returned her little smile, but hers fell quickly as she added "Just needed sometime to clear my head, everything was happening to fast."

"S-same," It wasn't completely true, as I had no attention of going down to the party, but I knew what it was like to feel like your brain just needed a time out. It was why I normally avoided things like the party happening downstairs.

We sat in silence for a long time, Hermione lying on her back, me with my knees pulled up to my chest. After a while, Hermione sat up again, and looked at me, "Sophie?"

Looking up from the book that was open on my bed, and I raised my eyebrows at her. She bit her lip for a moment before asking "Can you keep a secret?"

I blinked at her, confused by the sudden conversation, but slowly nodded. Hermione glanced around, as if nervous someone was hiding under the bed listening to every word we said "I just—really need to talk some stuff out. You don't need to say anything, just listen, okay?"

My legs fell as I leaned forward the slightest bit, waiting for her to finish. For a second I thought she was going to take it all back, but eventually Hermione almost whispered "There's something hidden in the school, and if certain people find out about it things could get really bad. The trouble is, I'm pretty sure the exact person who shouldn't know about it, does know."

I bit my lip, glad she had said I didn't need to talk, as I had no idea what to say. Hermione didn't seem bothered by my silence as she went on "The even bigger problem is none of the teachers would believe me if I told them and even if I did I would end up having to explain how I know all of this, which would lead to me and my friends getting into serious trouble. I'm not sure Harry and Ron would understand, and the last thing I want is for them to get mad at me."

She had her head in her hands now as she looked at the floor "I just don't know what to do. I know I should tell someone, and part of me wants to, but something is holding me back. Besides, what's the point if none of them will believe me?"

"It—It sounds li—like you've already ma—made up your mi—mind," I glanced up quickly, before looking back down at my bed.

I heard Hermione let out a sigh, and then say very quietly "Yeah I guess I have."

I ran my tongue over a scar on the inside of my cheek, a nervous habit I'd developed. Hermione lay on her bed.

"I guess I should head back downstairs," She pushed herself up and started towards the door, but she stopped and looked back at me "You sure you don't want to come down?"

Shaking my head vigorously I said "Don't li—like crowds—"

"I could stay, if you want company—"

"G—go—" I smiled "Have fun."

"If you're sure," She made for the door again, but stopped right before going through "Sophie, thanks, by the way. For listening."

Then she was out the door, and heading back down to the party.

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