Celebrations~ Tracey

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The common room was full of noise and excitement, more than I had seen all year. Most of the time the room was rather quiet, with people reading or playing chess, or something else that was rather thoughtful. Of course there were parties from time to time, and they could get loud, but this was easily the loudest. The whole house seemed to be cheering every other second. Streamers and banners were all over the common room, as older kids cast spells to make green and silver sparks fill the air.

There was something completely thrilling about it, and it was contagious, so by the time we were making our way down to dinner I couldn't help but grin. We passed other students, most of whom seemed to be much less excited than we were, but I didn't really care, and the others didn't seem to either. If they were going to be sore losers that was their own problem.

As we headed into the hall I caught Megan's attention from where she was sitting at her table. She grinned and waved at me, and laughing a little I waved back, before going to sit next to Draco who, like the rest of our house, was in a peculiarly good mood. He grinned at me "Our parents are going to be thrilled when they hear about this."
I couldn't help but laugh again and shake my head "Imagine that- my mum thrilled about something, I don't think my mum is ever 'thrilled' about anything."

He laughed, but before he could respond our conversation was interrupted by Dumbledore calling the hall to attention. He seemed incredibly cheerful as he spoke "Another year gone! And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it's been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have a whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before the next year starts.

'Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: In fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Ravenclaw has four hundred and twenty-six and Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two."

All around me the table cheered as our house was called. Draco was being an idiot and banging his glass on the table, but I couldn't really blame him. The whole thing was thrilling, and adrenaline seemed to course through all of us as we cheered. Our excitement was cut short though when Dumbledore interrupted us "Yes, Yes, well done, Slytherin, however, recent events must be taken into account. I have a few last-minute points to dish out."

Our table fell silent as we all glanced around at each other. Last minute points? This didn't seem like it was going to end well for us.

"Let me see yes-" Dumbledore looked over to the Gryffindor table "First, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best-played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."
Naturally the Gryffindors bursted out cheering, but I couldn't understand what all the fuss was for, I mean, they still hadn't won or anything. It took awhile before they all finally settled down again, and Dumbledore continued to speak.

"Second, to Miss Hermione Granger, for the use of cool logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor house fifty points."

Again the other house erupted in cheers, while I could see multiple people around our table sneering or rolling their eyes. I didn't really care, I mean, if they want to get excited because they weren't in last anymore that was their business.

"Third- to Mr. Harry Potter," The room fell silent. It was well known that Harry was the real hero of the whole thing, surely he would get more points than the others, but how many more? If it was any more than 60 points- no, Dumbledore wouldn't do that to us "For pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house sixty point-"

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