Magical Feasts and Magical Beasts~ Sophie, Tracey, Kevin

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                Everyone was rushing around getting ready. Gryffindors always seemed to be running around doing things. Few ever seem to just sit. That’s what I was doing while the others darted in and out of the bathroom connected to the common room. Lavender Brown and Lily Moon both brought mirrors from home and they were crowded around them along with Parvati. Hermione had not reappeared. As far as I knew she was still crying in the bathroom.

                I’d been next to her when Weasley had made the remark. I could still hear him. “It’s no wonder no one can stand her, she’s a nightmare, honestly.”

                I hadn’t expected her to go running off like that, or I probably would have followed. I liked Hermione, despite the know-it-all nature. She was just trying to fit in, which I understood better than most. Sure it wasn’t really working, but at least she was trying, which was more than I was doing. I should stand up, go over to the mirrors and just ask if I can borrow something. Interact with them.

                I stayed seated. They didn’t want me to butt in. I would just be in their way.

                When it was finally time for the feast I followed the other girls down the stairs and out of the dormitory. We were barely out of the common room when a group of the boys broke in and split me off form the others. It didn’t really bother me, I like being alone anyway.

                My solitude was interrupted by a cheerful call of “Hey!” as I was approaching the Great Hall. Turning my head I saw Megan and a boy with shaggy brown hair walking towards me. Tenitivly I waved and waited for them to catch up.

                “Kevin, this is Sophie. Sophie, Kevin” Megan introduced us, while the boy stared at me.

                I smiled and he grinned back, but that was really the only interaction we had time for before we entered the Great Hall and we all separated, each going to a different table.

                The feast started with a bunch of live bats flying over the tables. I heard some squeals from the Slytherin table, and I have to admit they made me jump. The food had just popped up out of nowhere, when Kevin also randomly popped up. He slid onto the bench next to me. I just blinked at him.

                “Heard a story some Gryffindor has been crying since this morning, do you know anything about it?” Slowly I nodded. Why was he asking me? “Can you give me any information on it?” this time it was a shake “Why not?”

                “N-None of your- busi- ness”

                “Aren’t you hungry?” His attention had randomly turned to my empty plate. Again I shook my head. His brow wrinkled “You don’t talk much do you?” Shake. “Well, there are some insane rumors flying around at the Ravenclaw table about why and who it is. You aren’t in to the whole talking thing, don’t look at me like that I’m not judging, so why not tell me what really happened, or as much as you know, and I’ll correct anyone I hear to help get rid of the crazy stories.”

                He made a hand motion sort of like “well” and then proceeded to say “I get the truth, which is what I want, I can help spread what really happened, and you only have to talk to me.”

                I bit my lip. He had a point. It would be better to have the truth moving around rather than a bunch of rumors, right? And Kevin seemed like the type of person who wouldn’t be scared to correct anyone he heard saying something else. Someone should be, and it wasn’t going to be me.

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