Dumbest Game Ever~ Tracey and Kevin

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                I looked out over the grounds. They were beautiful; the way the moon and stars reflected on the lake was perfect. Leaning against the railing I felt my heart slow.

                “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” There was someone leaning on the railing a little way down from me. I could tell it was a boy based on the voice, but the rest was lost in shadow. All I could see was a shadowy shape looking down at the lake.

                I hadn’t noticed him before, but I wasn’t alarmed. This place wasn’t mine, why shouldn’t there be other people here?

                “Yeah” I kept looking at the lake.

                “Being out here helps, I think, with nightmares” he didn’t even seem to be talking to me, just speaking to the world in general “Being out in the open- at least it does for me.”

                It was true. Whenever I dreamed about the lake, the door would appear in the common room. During the day the door didn’t exist, or for most of the night. The door was only there when I need to escape.

                I nodded, though I had no clue if he was looking at me, or if he’d be able to see me even if he was. Neither of us said anything else, we just stood, letting the wind blow past us. There was nothing awkward about it, just peaceful.

                After awhile I slipped away, leaving him to his thoughts. I climbed back down to the common room, feeling better than I had before.

                It was only when I was safe in bed that it occurred to me: I had no clue who he was.


                Everyone was decked out in house gear, everything from scarves to hats to the little flag things you get at football games. As I made my way through the common room to go to breakfast I passed a group of older students rubbing silver and blue paint on their faces. I almost asked if I could use some, but thought better of it. For one thing, I’d never talked to them and they were much older than me so the probability of them letting me take some seemed very unlikely. Besides, we weren’t even playing today, Gryffindor and Slytherin were.

                The Great Hall was even crazier than the Ravenclaw dormitory. People in scarlet and gold or silver and green were everywhere, running around laughing and throwing good natured threats and insults at people in the other colors. “You’re going down, Lion Brain” “In your dreams Snake Breath” those sort of things.

                Both the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were decked out in their house colors as well, but there were also were scattered with the red and gold flags of Gryffindor. About half the Hufflepuffs were wearing Gryffindor colors and waving their flags, while probably about twenty percent of Ravenclaws where. There were no Slytherin flags or colors outside of the Slytherin table. It was clear who the school favorite was.

                I took the seat next to Anthony and grabbed a piece of toast. I intended to ask him about quidditch, but he was preoccupied with his eggs, and to be honest I was too busy looking around at everything that was happening. My morning consisted of grabbing piece of toast and watching Gryffindors and Slytherins mock each other and pump their house mates up.

                None of the teachers seemed to mind. It was like the first football game of the season, where everyone is going insane over it even though it doesn’t really matter. However when one of the Gryffindors sent up red sparks while their friend sent up gold ones, it seemed they’d finally gone overboard. McGonagall marched over to them and escorted both of them out of the hall, while Dumbledor suggested the rest of us start making our way to the quidditch pitch.

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