Questions and Answers~ Megan

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 Exams weren't as hard as I was expecting. Don't get me wrong, they were hard, but I think I over studied. I'll have to remember that for next year.

After our final exam Tracey and I went to the library to return some books we'd checked out to study with. Tracey had just finished putting her books on the counter when Kevin came running around the corner "Kaa? Indiana? Perfect!"
Madam Pince glared at him. Kevin gave her his most charming smile "Sorry ma'am, just got excited.

She continued to watch as Kevin ushered Tracey and me back into the library, but didn't say anything. He lead us through the the shelves saying "This is perfect, I was just coming to find you guys."

We turned a corner and there was Sophie, leaning over a huge book. She looked up as we approached. Clearly confused confused he looked at the two of us, then at Kevin. Grinning he explained "They were returning their books, what luck, huh? I was looking through some books of monsters when Sophie found me and agreed to help me look. I'd just found it and was coming to get you."
He looked at Tracey as he said the last part, so I chimed in with "What are you-"

"You found it?" Tracey cut me off with excitment.

"Pretty sure, come have a look," Tracey almost ran to the table, Kevin close on her heals.

Apparently I was the only one who didn't know what was going on. I walked up to the book and found myself face to face with what appeared to be a scary three headed dog. I looked around at them "Does someone want to explain what's going on?"

Kevin looked up at me, then turned to Tracey "You didn't tell her?"
"Well, between Balcony Boy, the quidditch match, and then there was the thing with the dragon, it just kind of got forgotten I guess-" We were all looking at her now in aw.

"Bal- Balcony B- Boy?" Sophie stammered.

"You know something about the dragon thing?" Kevin butted in.

"Would someone tell me why you're all looking at pictures of weird dogs!" I exclaimed.

Tracey looked around at all of us. Then she started to grin, and I could tell she was loving this. She had all the answers, while none of us had the full story.

She started by telling Sophie about the balcony kid she'd been meeting, tough she glossed over how bad her nightmares actually were, which I knew could get pretty bad. Sophie didn't say anything, just nodded as she spoke.

Then she turned to Kevin and pulled a face "And yes, of course I know something about the Dragon. Draco's my best friend."

Part of me wanted to interrupt, but I didn't. I knew Tracey didn't mean her only best friend, I didn't need to get defensive. As much as I might hate Draco and that Tracey hung out with him I'd already brought up my concerns and she wouldn't appreciate me doing so again. At least not until I had something else on him, which I would find. I could already see where Malfoy was heading and I was not going to let him bring Tracey down with him.

While I'd been thinking Tracey had explained the dragon thing to Kevin. Then she turned to me, and quickly explained what had happened while I'd been watching quidditch. By the end of all I could do was look at her. After a few seconds I shook it off and walked forward "What is this dog- monster then?"

"A cerberus," Kevin said proudly as the rest of us looked over the book "A three headed dog."

"How do you know?" Tracey asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Three heads," Kevin said like it should have been totally obvious, before explaining "There were three different growls, they sounded like the same kind of dog, but weren't exactly the same. Same dog, different heads."

"Alright- I give you that," Tracey looked around at us before saying "The real question is what is one doing here of all places?"

"That I don't know-" Kevin admitted, shrugging a little bit.

"Wait-" I said trying to follow all of this "So you're telling me there's a three-headed dog in the castle and none of us know why?"

"Basically," Kevin nodded.

"Right- just making sure-" I nodded back at him, crossing my arms.

"That's the real thing we have to figure out," Tracey insisted, looking around at us "Why would they keep a killer Cerberus on the third floor?"
"Maybe they didn't have anywhere else to put it?" I offered lamely, knowing there was no way that was right.

"Right so they decided to leave it in a school," Kevin responded sarcastically, and despite knowing he was right I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What do you think then, birdbrain?" I gave his shoulder a shove.

"Maybe it's some sort of test for seventh years," Kevin suggested, shrugging a little.

"Yeah, that's so much more likely," Tracey rolled her eyes.

This time it was Kevin's turn to pull a face "What's your idea then?"

Tracey though for a moment before slowly saying "It could be- like guarding something for the teachers-"

"What could they possibly need a giant dog monster to protect?"
"How should I know, but it makes more sense than your theory," Tracey responded evenly "Some sort of test, really?"

Kevin eyed her for a second before starting to laugh a little "Yeah, alright, you've got me there."

I was smiling to by now, and soon Tracey and Sophie had joined in as well.

"That's enough research, if you ask me," Kevin closed the book and stood up "Come on, let's celebrate an end to exams."

We all jumped up and followed him out of the library, and outside to enjoy the sunny weather.

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