Sleepover ~ Kevin, Sophie

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Mom was going crazy. Well, crazier than normal at least. There was always havoc when one of us had friends over, especially when it was something like I was having where it was a Star Wars marathon. That meant that everyone had to get what they wanted out of the basement, otherwise there would be kids moving back and forth in front of the screen all night. Plus, with me having three people for a sleepover- well that meant the basement would be off limits for a whole night, which caused even more chaos.

By the time the doorbell finally rang I couldn't have been more relieved, as it meant mom would finally calm down a little, or at least would stop telling me to run around and do things, asking one of my siblings instead.

When I opened the door Sophie was standing on the porch, looking even more awkward than ever. An older woman, who looked almost nothing like Sophie, stood in front of her. She was tall and had an air of importance around her, with her grey hair pulled back into a bun and dark eyes. It was a huge contrast from Sophie's ponytail and sweatshirt.

"Hello- you must be Kevin-" The woman looked down at me and I couldn't help but get the idea that she was judging me for some reason. Sophie shuffled nervously, hands shoved in her sweatshirt pockets, and clearly as uncomfortable with it all as I was.

"Yes ma'am-" I replied, smiling at her and trying to act as though I hadn't noticed the look she gave him. The woman raised an eyebrow at me and didn't smile back. Luckily my mom chose that moment to appear.

Smiling at the woman she reached around me to offer her a hand "Hi- I'm Kira, Kevin's mum-"

"Lucy," The woman replied, seeming more comfortable with my mom than she had been with me "It's nice to meet you, I understand your son goes to school with Sophie?"

"That's right," My mom nodded, though I could tell she was slightly unsure what to do with that.

Lucy eyed my mom for a moment before asking "Are you like them or are you- you know?"

Sophie looked down, seemingly embarrassed about the question. My mom just looked at the other woman for a second, before putting together what she was asking. With surprise she said "I'm not magical if that's what you mean. None of us are- except Kevin of course- god that was quite a shock."

This seemed to make Lucy relax more, and she actually gave mom a small smile as she nodded "I remember what that was like."
Without waiting for my mom to respond she turned to face Sophie. She laid a hand on Sophie's shoulder, her voice becoming much softer than it had been before "I'll see you tomorrow, if you need anything just call."

"I will," Sophie nodded and gave Lucy a small smile.

Lucy nodded in response and reached down to kiss the top of Sophie's head gently. Than she said a swift good bye to mom, ignoring me, and headed back down the driveway towards her car.

Sophie looked up at us, clearly nervous. My mom and I both smiled at her, me eagerly, her kindly. I stepped forward and did a quick introduction, then led Sophie down into the basement before we could get intercepted by any of my siblings.

Once we were down stairs, out of prying ears, I gave her a small smile "Well- that was tense-"

Setting her bag down next to one of the chairs Sophie nodded a little "S- sorry- I th- think she was n- nervous-"

"Is your mom that freaked out every time you go to someone's house?" I asked curiously, looking over at her as I moved to sit on the couch.

"L- Lucy's m- my a- aunt-" Sophie said, pulling at the sleeves of her sweatshirt and biting her lip a little.

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