"Lost"- Kevin

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SORRY! Between two plays and homework, I haven 't really had a lot of free time lately... 

Also as it says in the title this chapter is not from Tracey's veiw, I just wanted to make it clear since it's the first one that isn't by her.

       As I hurried through the hall I knew I was doomed. There was no way I would ever be able to remember all of these twists and turns, or which steps you had to jump over. Nobody had said anything about how confusing the castle would be. Why didn’t anyone bother to hand out maps? They could have little symbols for the jinxed steps, and I’m sure it could be enchanted so the stairs would move how they do in real time. They can make pictures talk how hard can that be?

                ‘That’ll be the first thing I do’ I decided as I turned down another passageway ‘I’ll make a map, and next year I’ll hand out copies of it to all of the first years’

                Somebody ran into me. Well maybe I ran into her. I wasn’t paying enough attention to know. There was a clatter as all of our books fell to the ground.

                “Watch it” the girl knelled down to pick up her books. Guess I ran into her.

                “Sorry” I mumbled bending to grab my books off the floor. Her tie was yellow and black, meaning she was a Hufflepuff, and supposed to be in Charms as well. She was clearly in a hurry, based on the speed in which she managed to pick up all of her books.

                “Do you know the way to Charms?” She was looking at me frantically. Couldn’t she see my blue and bronze tie? If I knew where Charms was wouldn’t I be there instead of wandering the castle? Okay, invalid. There is a very good chance I would still be wandering the castle, but she didn’t know me well enough to know that.

                “Not a clue” I grinned at her and to my surprise a small smile formed on her lips too. Interesting. I looked at my watch.

                “We’ll never make it now, even if we did know where we were going” I shrugged “No use trying.”

                I started walking towards a staircase leading up, pulling a piece of paper and a quill out of my bag as I did. “Where are you going?”

                “No idea” I called over my shoulder. Then a wild idea came to me, and I just had to know what the answer would be. I turned and walking backwards called “Want to come?”

                “Defiantly” She was grinning now too.

                “Hurry up then” Shoving her books into her bag she caught up to me halfway up the stairs “My names Kevin by the way”

                 “Megan” she glanced at the paper in my hands “What are you doing?”

                “Making a map” Megan let out a laugh which echoed through the empty chamber.

                We spent the rest of our morning moving from room to room. We found two different passage ways that lead throughout the castle, and one behind some old painting that seemed to lead out of the castle. There were tons of empty classrooms full of weird drawings and sculptures. Megan was able to describe some of them to me, as she’d grown up with this sort of stuff. To my muggleborn brain it all looked like something out of one of those kid’s books about wizards, but a lot darker.

                To Megan’s credit she didn’t once question whether we were actually ever going to go to class. She just hoped around from hallway to hallway with me, exploring. We even took a brief adventure to the third floor corridor, which was out of bonds, briefly.

                In the end I actually had to pull Megan down to the Great Hall for lunch. I think she was having more fun exploring then I was. I wanted to keep going, but come on, who can resist the desire for food knowing there is a giant hall with an all you can eat buffet!

                “See you around, Indiana” I broke off towards the Ravenclaw table, leaving a confused Megan, standing in the doorway.

                Most of the other first years were watching as I took a seat in the middle of them. It was Padma who finally asked “Where have you been all morning?”

                “Got lost” I grabbed a sandwich from one of the trays on the table.

                “All morning?”  Anthony exclaimed. I just shrugged.

                “Do you want a detention in the first week?”

                “According to the school handbook there has to be reasonable cause for a teacher to give a detention” I smiled “Do you think Professor Dumbledor would believe a first year getting lost on the first day a fair reason to give detention. Especially since no one bothered to give us maps.”

                Nobody spoke up to contradict me, but they didn’t say I was right either. For a while we just focused on eating, until we fell into an easy conversation about teachers.

                When lunch was over I was hurried out to the greenhouses for Herbology. I considered “getting lost” again, but the others were careful to not lose me. Which meant I was stuck listening to the basics of plant life. Really, do they think we don’t know how plants grow? I mean sure you need to use water with a touch of fairy dust in order to make a certain plant bigger, but the rest is all the same!

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