Keeping Secrets ~ Sophie

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 News spread quickly through the castle. I was one of the first to find out about what had happened for two reasons. For one I'm a Gryffindor and naturally we knew first. Second, when you don't talk much people tend to not pay much attention to you, and therefore will tend to talk around you without really realizing they're doing it. As a result I had the whole story by the end of breakfast.

When Kevin ran up to me in the corridor I knew what he was going to ask before he said it: "Hey, did you hear about Potter and the others?"

I simply nodded and waited for him to start asking questions, which happened almost immediately. I answered them shortly and as simply as I could. We were in the middle of an in depth game of question and answer when Megan and Tracey came up to us.

Giving them each a small smile I continued to answer Kevin's questions, and before long Megan was throwing in her own as well. After a while Tracey finally spoke up "Guys- lay off."

"What?" Kevin asked, looking over at her with clear confusion.

"Lay off a little," Tracey said again, and as I gave her a grateful smile. She returned it before looking back at the others "How would you like a bunch of questions to be thrown at you?"
Kevin bit his lip and gave me a slightly awkward smile "Right- sorry- I didn't mean to, it's just- my curiosity got the better of me-"

Megan nodded in agreement and apologised as well, before turning the conversation to a different topic in order to, I assume, give me a break from the questions.
After a while Kevin popped in with "You're all invited to my house sometime over the summer, by the way. I want to show you two Indiana Jones-"

"About time," Megan muttered "I want to figure out who this guy is."

"H- He's awesome-" I assured, grinning a little, before something else occurred to me and I looked between them "W- Wait- wh- what about S- Star Wars?"

"What about it?" Kevin asked, looking over at me, while the other two looked between the two of us in confusion, confirming my thought.

"Th- they haven't s- seen it-" I said, motioning to Tracey and Megan "I- It's far more iconic than I- Indiana Jones."

"Wait-" Kevin's eyes widened as he looked at me "They don't know."

"Kn- know what?" My brain spun, trying to put together what he was getting at. Than it clicked "Oh! You m- mean that L- Luke's f- fath-"

"Sh!" Kevin exclaimed, grinning at me "Of course that's what I mean. They can watch it completely unspoiled."

I returned the grin as Megan and Tracey looked between us again. Finally Megan blurted out "What the hell are you two talking about?"

"You'll just have to wait and see-" Kevin smirked, laughing a little as he turned to face me again "God- I've never meet anyone who didn't already know-"

"M- Me either-" I shook my head, though technically I hadn't know the first time I'd watched it, which hadn't actually been that long ago. Still I decided not to bring that up.

"Would you just tell us?" Tracey exclaimed, sounding slightly annoyed.

I shook my head and Kevin grinned wickedly, "No way, this is my insurance that you'll come over."

"You don't need insurance, idiot," Tracey muttered, giving him a small shove "Of course we'll come-"

"Seriously, why wouldn't we?" Megan laughed, rolling her eyes a little.

"It's always good to be prepared," Kevin shrugged before smirking at them "I'm still not going to tell you."

They groaned but let it go, and the conversation turned to other topics. Mainly our summer plans. I let the others talk, not really having many plans myself. After a few minutes though, they turned to me anyway, clearly curious, but I just sort of shrugged a little in response.

"Really? No plans at all?" Kevin asked in slight surprise "Well- what's something you're excited about than?"

Biting my lip I thought for a moment, before shrugging again "I- uh- I usually go camping- at least o- one week over the summer- s- sometimes more-"

Kevin grinned a little "See? That's cool. I take it your parents are really into camping than?"

I shook my head "N- No- I go w- with my aunt and u- uncle-"

Megan nodded a little "That must be nice, to get away from them for awhile. I mean, I love my parents but they can get really annoying sometimes."
"R- Right-" and just like that, the conversation turned away from me and onto other things. I let out a slight sigh of relief, glad that they others hadn't pushed farther as to why my parents didn't join us on the camping trip, though I knew that eventually I'd have to tell them at least part of the truth. For now though, it was nice to just sit and listen, and not have to think about it anymore.

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