The fight

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"Heh..too slow"

Douma's arm and legs grew back before anyone could land a attack, he punch Giyuu in gut and kicked Mitsuri away.


"Heh I'd like to see you try!" Douma smirked

"first form: dust whirlwind cutter..."

Sanemi launched himself at douma slightly grazing him arm. Douma quickly pulled out his fans and pulled it swiftly across sanemi's arm. "tch you son of a-"


Giyuu came back and performed second form. "First form shivers of first love!" Both of douma's arms were sliced into pieces by mitsuri's attack. "Heh fourth form: rising dust storm!" Sanemi aimed at douma creating multiple slashed in the air.

" missed;) Demon blood art: Barren hanging garden.." immediately 10 fan slashes went out hit into Mitsuri's thigh, two sliced Giyuu's left arm, and two strucked  Sanemi's arm.

"W-what did you to do me you wind hashira!!!" Douma started to feel himself slowly lose focus.


"DEMON BLOOD ART: RIME WATER LILY BODHISATTVA" a enormous Bodhisattva statue formed, then humongous gusts of deadly ice spreaded all around the area.


"Go for the statue both of you..cover me"

Sanemi ran towards Douma and started shooting attacks.

With giyuu and mitsuri

Mitsuri ran at the bodhisattva preparing for a attack but the bodhisattva swatted her away. The bodhisattva then sent huge gusts of Douma's deadly ice towards Giyuu as mitsuri was miles away.

Giyuu immediately held her breath and ran towards the bodhisattva. "Third form: flowing dance." Giyuu immediately went to attack the lotuses before they can give the statue a even bigger advantage.

"Eighth form: waterfall basin, destruction"

Giyuu jumped up onto the statue's arm ran up it towards its face then she leaped in the air in a spinning motion then turned around and leaped behind the bodhisattva and slashed it with a curved stike....Giyuu then leaped high into the air then falling down with great force in a over headstrike.

The bodhisattva was paralyzed so Giyuu sent another wave of attacks. "First form: water surface slash." Giyuu sent a strong horizontal slash. Then Mitsuri joined in. "THIRD FORM CATLOVE SHOWER!!"

Mitsuri came down on top of the bodhisattva and performed multiple arched slashes downward. Then she stated coughing rapidy. "Mitsuri-san try not to breathe in the air.."

Bodhisattva then shot out even more gusts of ice

"Eleventh form: dead calm, tidal waves..." everything...was calm no more deadly ice, no bodhisattva, just peace.

Giyuu and Mitsuri defeated the statue. "GOOD JOB GIYUU-SAN YOU DID AMAZING!!"

Giyuu blushed, "t-thank you mitsuri-san.."

"Please just call me Mitsuri..We should try to help Sanemi with upper moon 2 now!"


Back with sanemi

"Second form: claws-purifying wind!!" Four vertical slashes came down on Douma, only two hit him. "Third for-"

Douma slashed Sanemi's torso with his fans. "M-my my you really can put up a-a fight wind h-hashira.."

"Heh i guess the blood still messin with ya..."

"Demon blood art: wintry icicles."

Two dozen of icicles came down above sanemi.. "HEY SANEMI-SAN WATCH OUT!!!" Mitsuri scream from behind.

"Eleventh form: dead calm, tidal wave..." Giyuu appeared behind Douma sending a delayed sharp slash of water, then she quickly moved away..multiple towering waves slammed downwards on Douma with tremendous force. All of the icicles were immediately deflected.

"Fifth form: Swaying love, wildclaw!" Mitsuri leaped into the air performed a somersault and released dozens of rapid slashes.

"Seventh form: Gale, Sudden Gust!!" Sanemi also leaped into the air swing his blade, circular torrents of wind sliced Douma instantly.

"..we have to end this fight soon sadly but i won't let you go without a little present;)" everyone tensed up and wait for a attack.

Douma started to walk away with his back turned...giyuu let her guard down.

"Heh, demon blood art: Scattering Lotuses!!" The attack was so fast no one saw what happened

Giyuu dropped her blade and started coughing up blood.


One of the long ranged razor sharp ice shards impaled Giyuu in the stomach.


Sanemi and Douma engaged in battle again. "Ninth form: idaten typhoon!!" Sanemi backflipped into the air, while upside down he unleashed a powerful gust of circular wind.

Both Douma's arms and legs were sliced into piece.


"Fare well wind hashira you've put up a good fight..but next time i'll devour all of you.."

"Oh my all of your wound's are fatal- WATER HASHIRA!!" A kakushi came to check on the Hashiras.

"Please help her s-she's bleeding a lot!"

"Yes ma'am i'll work on her straight away and the other kakushi will work on you two.

Sorry for the delay
Fight scenes take so long and i was being lazy😭😭 forgive me😭🙏🏾

805 words

Sanemi x fem GiyuuWhere stories live. Discover now