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There weren't enough words to describe the gardens of Albus. Colors abounded, the scent of flowers could make you float and lead you to the castle's entrance without even touching the ground. Citrus, sweet, wild, and even rustic aromas filled the air. The place was under the care of my grandmother and her attentiveness. You could tell she had put effort into keeping it perfect, given the beauty that ran through every corner, even in the small details. A path of white stones guided you to the palace gates, and around them, a labyrinth of flowers. Jasmines, lilies, roses, carnations, tulips of all colors. And surprisingly, not a single lavender. If it weren't for the present pain in my chest, suffocating me, I could confidently say that I was walking on a rainbow.

I dragged my body due to the extreme fatigue I felt in every muscle. As if I had run a marathon. Eamon by my side had offered his arm for support, and I accepted it after stumbling twice. His touch was what he gave without even seeking it.

The guards guarding the huge entrance gates had watched me with surprised eyes as I walked with my head held high. The blood had already dried, but from my appearance, it seemed to have been taken from a horror movie. Not even Sidney Prescott had seen so much blood together.

My grandmother awaited me at the entrance, with her arms wide open and some maids. The white of their uniforms perfectly countered the yellow dress she had chosen for that evening. But of course, she was the queen of Albus; her goal was always to stand out among the others.

She enclosed her arms around my body, squeezing me like a boa constrictor on its prey, like Ben used to do. I could bet that they were somewhere in the castle waiting for my return. Worried to the point of madness.

My grandmother let go of me and immediately took my wrist, placing her fingers on my veins. I knew what she was up to, and I didn't push her away. This time, I needed it; I needed her to soothe my heart.

"Oh, my child," a tear began to roll down her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

I buried my head in her neck once again. It was clear to me that I was looking like a little girl in front of half the castle and Eamon, but I didn't care in the slightest. I had never had a grandmother; I was going to take advantage of it, especially one with powers.

"Let's go inside; I've arranged a bath for you, and then, if you feel up to it, we'll all have dinner together."

"Can I decide after my bath if I want to join you for dinner?"

A small ray of disappointment crossed her face, but after a second, she smiled, and I knew it wasn't wrong to ask.

"Yes, of course, princess. You decide." She caressed my cheek. "Eamon, you can join if you wish."

I quickly sought his green eyes.

"Stay with me, please."

His green eyes gleamed in a smile under the sunset; I could swear one of the maids almost fainted because of it, and I couldn't blame her; my legs had also weakened.

"Thank you very much for your invitation, Your Majesty. I'll be around here again at nightfall."

He disappeared among the jasmine at the entrance, winking at me when no one was watching.

It didn't take me long to find my room, thanks to Lloyd's help. The young vampire, of admirable beauty. He and the other maids had prepared a salt bath for me, with white roses floating in the water. At moments like these, I enjoyed being the royal favorite.

Although blood didn't come off easily. Gemma had stayed by my side all the time, untangling my hair with gentleness and a patience I didn't count on. I knew we needed some alone time, so I had sent the other maids away. She caressed my blossomed tips gently; the water fell in small drops onto the pearl-gray blanket left at the foot of my bed. The balcony doors were wide open, the scent of roses reached us like a gentle breeze, brushing our skin. Gemma had chosen a white dress with small cherries in its print and a corset that hugged my body. It was beautiful and summery. Small bows tied at the top of my shoulders, exposing my back. And although that dress wasn't something I would have chosen, I didn't have the strength to complain. I paired it with white sneakers, despite her objections.

THE UNBREAKABLE PIECE (FIRST BOOK OF THE HIDDEN WORLD) English versionWhere stories live. Discover now