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"Finally, you grace us with your presence. Did you lose the map on your way to New York? Perhaps you crossed paths with Crazy Dave in Central Park, and he sent you down another street?"

My smug smile fed off the confusion on my father's face. Some members of my guard had grown accustomed to my remarks, but Gideon and Gerard, though seemingly surprised, were utterly displeased. The dark circles under their eyes were a clear indication of their mental and physical exhaustion.

The dark reddish hues of my blood stained the dull gray fabric of my training shirt. Though I had managed to stop the bleeding, the taste of copper still lingered in my mouth as a reminder of what I had sacrificed using my gift. I could feel Eamon's eyes on me, as heavy as the sapphire dagger my grandfather had given me, peeking from my hip.

Charlotte's heart in her chest pounded as much as her tears fell onto the concrete. Moments ago, she had witnessed her daughter face two enormous beasts ready to rip her head off, all without any knowledge of her gift and the strength within it. Of course, that wasn't the true reason for her silent sobs; her eyes were now locked in a battle of gazes with my father. I couldn't help but notice how the air had been saturated with the sweet nostalgia that fills the air after spring—a scent of withered flowers. A moment passed.

"Amity, as your father and the prince of Alba, I demand an explanation." He wrinkled his nose, mirroring my curiosity, while he wiped the edge of his sword with the fold of his arm. Before proceeding, he raised one of his fingers in the air. "And no sarcastic comments, please."

"I'll do my best."

Though I wasn't looking directly at him, I knew Ben had fluttered his lashes in frustration.

"You know, Charlotte..." She turned her head in my direction, the scent of withered flowers still in my nose. "...when you spend too much time trying to become invisible in a city as large as this, you learn to observe and recognize each face around you. And that's how I saw you for the first time, a week ago, during one of my walks with Ekaitz in Central Park." Ekaitz raised his eyebrows, but his face looked calm, freshly awakened, under the morning light that settled perfectly on his tan skin. "At first, I thought it was my own mind playing tricks on me, but after hearing rumors that you were alive with Drahceb, I knew that illusion wasn't impossible, but probable."

The sun's rays settled differently on my skin, hitting my freckles and comforting my last ounces of energy with their warmth. I placed my hand on Charlotte's shoulder, reminding her that this time, if it depended on me, she wouldn't escape.

"It was only a matter of time before you approached me, just as Drahceb has been trying to do these past few months." Inhibition ran through my shivers, so I focused on the soles of my boots and the viscous residue clinging to them. "All my life, I've been underestimated, cast into the role of a naive girl that others can deceive, and I allowed it because I believed I deserved that place. However, in darkness, one learns to see better. Lucky for me, I'm quite observant. Although I fell for Cade's lies, your son—I pressed my nail into the skin of what had once been my mother—I won't fall for yours. I knew that if you saw me alone in the city, you would try to approach me."

"Amity, baby..." Like bees to honey, excuses gathered in her mouth, ready to come out.

"Don't you dare lie to me. I know Christian works for Drahceb willingly; I've seen them together." Tears weighed in my eyes, sinking them into their sockets. "It took me a while to connect the dots, but when I did, I felt so stupid."

"Amity," my father's posture had changed, the muscles in his neck tensed like elastics being pulled by my words, his jaw readjusted while his fingers danced on the edge of his sword. "Have you been in the presence of Drahceb?"

THE UNBREAKABLE PIECE (FIRST BOOK OF THE HIDDEN WORLD) English versionWhere stories live. Discover now