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The stars were the protagonists of the night, and I could swear that every time my heart beat, they shone a little brighter in the sky. I had accompanied my brother to his room, making sure no one would disturb him. And now, I was heading decisively to meet Eamon, who was waiting for me in the queen's garden.

Talking to Christian had clarified the thoughts in my head, which usually lingered in a great darkness searching for that lighthouse of certainty that I often didn't know how to light due to my insecurities. Eamon was still unaware of my decision, but after everything that had happened between us and the Battle of Stone, I was completely convinced that he was the owner of my heart. I had promised him a decision when I had my wrists marked, once I found my way on that ambiguous path where I found myself. Between that boy who made me feel good and the one who truly made my heart beat faster than I had ever experienced. Because it wasn't just his hopeful green gaze that made me feel alive, but the premonition that no matter what, he would always be by my side. I had tested that more than once. Even when I had been cruel with his feelings and pushed him away, Eamon only wanted to regain the lost time between us.

I played with my silver ring, the one with the golden topaz representing the gift we both shared: telekinesis. The gift that had saved me more than once in dangerous situations, just because the raw connection we shared with Eamon had been stronger than Alice's spell, allowing the transfer of gifts with the touch of our skin. Yes, at first, I resisted staying in this reality and had childhood memories in Alba blocked—the childhood we had shared together—those being the main factors that had led me to be so blind. Destiny had given me that loyal boy with copper curls to show me what I really was and how loved I could feel.

The truth was that I had always been special in his eyes, and I couldn't ask for anything more.

The tinkling of my heels against the tiles echoed solitarily. Lloyd usually made an echo of my steps. He would have accompanied me to the gardens, and in his silence, my anxiety would have diminished. I had to find a way to learn about the life of that young vampire servant who had helped me the last month. Perhaps to reassure his family or any loved one that he had died as a fighter, helping me escape. With the taste of freedom on his lips.

I placed two of my fingers on my wrist, slowing down my heartbeats; I needed the anguish to diminish just a little. The consolation that everything would be a little better tomorrow was the only thing that truly calmed me. I would make everything better. For myself, for Alba.

With the tips of my fingers, I caressed the warm summer breeze around me; using my various gifts with another freedom felt good. The scent of freshly cut grass and roses from Albus revived my skin. The heat had caused my cheeks to flush, and my lips tasted like cherry because of the lipstick Gemma had brought me from New York. The white lights they had set up for my birthday, still entangled around the branches of the trees in the west garden, gave the castle a modern look. As I advanced towards the doors of Albus, the incessant sound of the Eternal Sea barely brushed my back.

I touched the columns of the gallery with the tips of my fingers, bathing that immaculate and pure white in a new color. The penetrating green of the vegetation. Vines with leaves as large as small ones ascended to the ceiling, where, upon meeting the wall, they began to climb up one of the towers. Not stopping their progress until the dome. I would fill this fortress with life.

My father had mentioned that the cracks in the hall where Drahceb had presented himself to me were still being repaired. Luckily, no one had been hurt by my little tremor. I wouldn't have been able to live with that guilt as well. I still didn't completely understand this new power that now lived within me. This new power, rooted so strongly in my emotions, was as intense as the one that attracted chaos. That's why I had to be careful with it. Now that I had returned to being an Onpix, I had to find the balance between my sensitivity and the magic within me. I didn't want to hurt anyone by being irresponsible. However, I hadn't completely said goodbye to the Amy who had lived in New York, the one who had an unceasing love for books, who dreamed of becoming an editor someday, who liked to spend a warm summer afternoon in Central Park listening to passing conversations. She still lived in some corner within my heart and coexisted with the Amy who had always been.

THE UNBREAKABLE PIECE (FIRST BOOK OF THE HIDDEN WORLD) English versionWhere stories live. Discover now