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As soon as I woke up, I knew I was in my room in Albus, its spacious ceiling painted with golden stars, the soft silk against my skin, and sunlight streaming in through the balcony. As chaos had become the protagonist, the screeches of the onpices drowned out my father's words. We all awaited that moment that we never believed would come true. Drahceb had found a way to enter Alba, or perhaps it was his spies sending a message. The protocol to follow was to put the members of the crown to safety. Ben and Eamon were the first to reach me, and Gemma took me by surprise by slowing my heart until I fell asleep. After that, I didn't remember anything; they had plunged me into darkness. I knew why they had done it; at least, while asleep, Drahceb couldn't steal my gifts. We had learned from my mother that, during the sacrifice, the victim had to be alive and awake for the transfer of gifts to be purer.

I shifted on the mattress, amazed to find myself alone. Surely, my guard must be on the other side of the door. At that moment, the hinges creaked, signaling that someone had entered. My father, in his Alpha uniform, smiled at me with a tray in his hands, adorned with many delicacies. Waffles, strawberry jam on toast, chocolate, the aroma of berry tea, and many colorful cookies. There was also a large jug of orange juice with three glasses and a bouquet of white roses and lavender.

"Good morning, princess! Happy birthday to my firstborn!" My father winked at me to lighten the fact that he had joked about the delicate situation we were now in. "Last night, I didn't have a chance to tell you about my wishes for your new year of life."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the comfortable mattress, crossing my legs. Someone had put me in my daisy pajamas, and I really hoped it was Gemma.

"Thank you, Dad."

"I have a surprise for you." My father placed the tray beside me and planted one of his kisses on my forehead. "You can come in."

My mother appeared on the other side of the wall, cleaned up, wearing a light blue dress with white flowers, and her hair tied up high on her head. Some curls fell tousled on either side. Her freckles shimmered in the sunlight, and her eyes lit up when she saw me.


She hurried to my side and enveloped me in her arms, resting her chin on my shoulder. I don't know how much time passed until we separated. My father had already poured juice for all three of us and handed us each a strawberry, our favorite fruit. Outside, the sound of boots clashing with the tiles was constant, like sand descending from an hourglass, expectant of every passing second.

The wrinkles on my father's forehead and the dark circles under his eyes indicated that he hadn't slept. My mother, on the other hand, despite her tired-looking body, had a fresh and alert face. The scent of vanilla wafted in the air every time she moved her hair. Watching both of them felt like a dream come true, a reality far removed from the Amy from New York who had waited for this moment for years. I took their hands and pressed my palms against theirs.

"Amy, have your memories returned?" my mother asked, her brown eyes ablaze.

I shook my head, unable to articulate the words out loud. I had waited for this day for the past month, the day when my mind would crack and let out the memories that had shaped me as a child.

"I don't understand. You said that on my eighteenth birthday, I would become an onpice again," I looked at my father accusingly. "That the spell would break."

"That's what Alice promised me. I trust her. It must have a delayed effect."

My mother rolled her eyes backward; the whites were as fierce as lightning. I didn't have my memories yet, but I missed those gestures. Somehow, my heart stirred in my chest. There was no doubt that I was her daughter.

THE UNBREAKABLE PIECE (FIRST BOOK OF THE HIDDEN WORLD) English versionWhere stories live. Discover now