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21st June Of 2016

To be fair , It was the hottest day of the month if not is the hottest day of the year as it was summer.

What Mark wanted to do is just laid down in his bed to clear his mind. But it isn't exactly what he wanted to do.

Now he's here in a summer camp arrange by their seniors from 2 different schools. Yup you heard it 2 different schools. Credits to Lee Donghyuck , his close friend for dragging him here.

Koeun , on the other hand was with the seniors as she gave students registration form. For her , she had been expecting this to enjoy the camp and meet new friends also to relax her mind from dance practice. Even though her school mates , from SOPA will be there not that she didn't mind she even packed up her bag a week early.

Talked about enthusiasm.

2 school means a lot of mess and extremely loud volume of noisiness.  Mark had arrived at the bus station. He only carried his backpack and a duffel bag meanwhile Koeun singlehandedly handled her bag of luggage.

Both of them stared at each other in front of the bus station.

"Why are you here?" He asked

"Well why are you here?" Koeun asked eyeing him from head to toe. She wore a plain blue navy riffle short sleeve shirt with light blue jeans and her hair tied up in a black glitter scrunchie.

"I got forced to" Mark answered , gripping his duffle bag tightly, sighing at the same time. If it wasn't for Donghyuck , the annoying mischievous kid in his dorm and in their dancing team. He would be resting at the dorm by now.

"I can't believe I'm going to see you for another month , does see you at the dance practice for performing isn't enough?" Koeun uttered slightly hurting his feelings.

"Hey that's mean" he exclaimed loudly , a whined followed after.

Their conversation didn't last long when the little devil just arrived.

"Mark hyung! Koeun noona!" His voice beamed loudly as he make his way to his favourite seniors and team members /roommate aka Mark.

"Oh Donghyuck-ah" Koeun greeted him with a smile.

Mark looked very unsatisfied by her different attitude to Donghyuck? He looked at the latter and scowled , he also woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Courtesy to Lee Donghyuck who had been reminding him about the camp.

The younger just laughed him off and linked his arms with both Mark and Koeun. "Let's go the others might waiting for us" he dragged both of them to the group of friends.

Mark saw most of his teammates and dorm mates but didn't mind. He greeted Jeno , Jaemin and Jisung the youngest. He stood there quietly with an awkward smile. Mark assumed he had also been brought here by force.

Koeun greeted the girls happily. Thanks to Yeri for being a social butterfly and to her dorm mattes Hina , Herin and Lami (Nickname for Sungkyung)  who are younger than her but she doesn't bother about the age difference?

Soon after the seniors had urged them to get into the bus. Unfortunately a separate one.  SOPA WITH SOPA , HANLIM WITH HANLIM.

Donghyuck was whining since his favourite noona isn't sitting together with him but Mark quickly tugged his  arm as he enter the bus. Well except for Hina since she is a SOPA STUDENT.

Koeun sat with Herin , as  Lami sat with Yeri. Hina had quickly entered the bus as she sot near the window and left her bag on the seat next to her but Jaemin quickly sat as he smiled at her.

"Nice to see you Hina" he gave her a wink but she averted her gaze while he tried to be comfortable on the seat.

Jeno and Donghyuck sat together , leaving Mark with Jisung.

For the whole ride to their destination. Was chaos. They were lucky in a separate bus or it will be 2 or 3 times more chaos in it.

Some of the students were busy singing at the back of the bus , glad to hype up the day. A group of boys were busy playing cards and girls kept on gossiping about the newest fashion trend.

Once they arrived they were assigned to their cabins. Each having seven occupants from both schools.

Coincidentally, The five boys - Mark , Jeno , Donghyuck , Jaemin , Jisung , Samuel and Hakyeon were placed in cabin #8 meanwhile the girls consisting of Yeri , Doyeon , Mina , Koeun , Hina , Herin and Lami got cabin #14

|New Update|

Probably this chapter will begin a new different sight about them especially what's to come during their little camping trip.

Will it end up well or not it's their choice to made.

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