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She hugged herself tight.

Whatever she did in her past life to encounter these kind of situation?

A few hours ago while she had a hard time to managed the children's without him , now she's with him eyeing the abandoned cabin.

"Why am I here again?" She cursed to herself as she tugged her jacket tighter to keep herself warm while making sure no seniors is out for the night.

"I can actually handle my own but it seems your the one who insist to keep me accompany Eun"

The girl whipped her head at him to lightly punched his shoulder which he didn't feel hurt by it.

"I didn't say that you know" she whispered shout at him but he just shrugged his shoulder still keeping an eye towards the cabin.

When the coast is clear they headed towards the cabin. To be honest every cabin looks the same , except this one has a very eerie vibe around it.

"8:15 P.M" the clock on Mark's watches read.

"You know , what make you do this? This is so unlike you Minhyung" she asked softly while trying to open the lock. "And please don't tell me is one of Donghyuck crazy ideas or Jeno with Jaemin dare they've done for you?"

He was speechless , he didn't even know what attracted him to be there he just felt it.


The locked for the door opened on it's own which scares Koeun and Mark while giving each other a surprise look.

"Did you do that Mark?" She whispered

"Trust me Eun I didn't" he lightly pushed the door and turn on the flashlight

"It looks like any other cabin where we sleep" he muttered to know one as he rummage every cabinet , closet but still didn't find any answers he wanted it.

"Mark hide someone's coming!" Koeun whispered yelled at him as she sense one of their seniors on a night patrol , she quickly closed the door and he turned off his flashlight.

"Is it just me or did that Cabin-"

"No bro your hallucinating" the two said seniors take a one last glance at the cabin and continue their night patrol as usual

Mark who overheard the two seniors conversation could finally be relief as their footsteps are away from them.

"Hey Mark think we should go , it's about 9.00 P.M."

He looked back at his watch realizing they've gone for too long , he quickly helped her stand up and head out while being stealthy as usual.

"You will comeback to me , especially you girl be together with me so I will not be alone.


Headache. That's what she felt when she first wake up she wondered to herself what ever happened to her last night. She checked the time and realized it was already six and wasted no time to waking up her roommates for the day.

Something did happen last night

She cleaned up her bed and took her necessities to the toilet to wash up. She brushed her teeth first and stared herself in the mirror. She started to think hard about the things that possibly happened to her last night , instead she receive a hard pain poking through her head. She held onto her head and rinse her mouth.

What exactly happened?

Once she got out of the toilet , all dressed up and fresh she squinted her eyes particularly looking at someone hiding near the bushes at her cabin.

"Mark?" She wondered to herself recognizing his familiar back , she tiptoe to him. "What on earth you're doing here?"

Gosh , he was jumpscare by how sudden she was next to him and had to remind himself to be quiet since no one's awake yet.

"Eun? What are you doing here?" Yeah not the best question to ask her

"That should be my question Mr Lee" she rolled her eyes while she eyed him "it's still too early to spy on something or someone-"

But Mark quickly denied her shaking his head "nope not on someone I promise , it's just did we go somewhere last night?"

Last night? So he does seem to remember something?

"Maybe? Shouldn't it be around here?"

She look around the cabin and other cabin's knowing they can't go to the woods yet , still memories of last night event is still a blurred to them.

"Well wherever that place is we have to a research-"

"Noona!" Donghyuck's voice shocked the both of them. When he found them he linked his arms with her and nudged Mark out of the way.

"Noona did you have a good night sleep last night?" He asked , looking at her fondly. She hesitantly nodded.  Confused to his actions.

"Did Mark hyung bother you?" He inquired , earning a smack on his head from the latter.

"I did not,  you are" Mark grumbled , pulling Donghyuck away from his to be partner --- not yet

The younger pouted angrily and glared at him. "I am not clingy as you are to Koeun noona right now. Why are you so mad at me? It's so obvious that you have fee--", Mark instantly slapped his palm to Donghyuck's mouth and the latter yelped in pain.

"What the?! What was that for?" Donghyuck yelled when Mark retreated his hand while the older just shrugged.

"Jerk" Donghyuck mumbled under his breath but Koeun heard him clearly and chuckled amusingly. The two of them bicker a lot but the were friendship goals to each other.

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