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"so it's Real!"

"No it isn't Yeri-"

Koeun who's trying to explain her best Friend Yeri who saw the scene of which is Koeun and Mark TOGETHER CUE TO DONGHYUCK who's with them but she didn't notice him and having a scenario they are both together.

"It isn't Yeri I assured you because Donghyuck was there too"

"Become the third wheel?"

At this point the said boy who accidentally heard his name between their conversation suddenly appeared interested.

"What's with me and third wheeling?"

Both girls glance at him , Koeun hoping her best friend would drop the conversation instead she interrogated him.

"Oh there is a problem Donghyuck, you mess up their Date"

"I really Admired Eun Noona , but I wouldn't do that besides Mark Hyung Likes her and I didn't ruined anything"

"Why is it in every conversation my name has to be brought up?"

Turn to person who spoke Yeri and Donghyuck were quick to argue but Hina already zip their mouth up stuffing some rice ball in their mouth.

"You guys should eat more not gossiping during the day. Especially near the woods." She muttered the last one to herself as Koeun gave her a thumbs up for her saving.

"Did we miss something?" Jeno ask as he walks side by side with Jaemin , Jisung with Samuel and Hakyeon followed by Herin , Lami and Doyeon.

"I know we have to gathered here , is just not expecting these two to argue"

Hakyeon glance between Yeri who seems to still be in their disagreement and Donghyuck proving he's innocent.

"It'll come around" Koeun stated as students have gathered with their seniors meaning their schedule for the day is starting.

Standing in a line , Jaemin who was behind Mark was intrigued of Donghyuck and Yeri's little conversation.

"Did you know what they were talking about?"

"Probably about me I think. Why?"

As Jaemin was about to ask him more Donghyuck quickly whisper something to his ear as his questions were answered.

"Nothing Mark hyung" he patted his shoulder so he could focus on what was their task for today.

As time moves so slow , and the voices seems to fade as whispers the Girl in mentioned also was particularly not paying attention. None of it, she wasn't really hundred percent sure of her feelings. Did she like him? Does he likes her? Were they even friends? Or are they enemies?. She was in so much dilemma.

'Should I look at him? , but then he thinks I'm annoying. Maybe just a quick glance'

As her eyes wandered off to the boy , she hope it was the third wish she received instead it was a different one.

Locking eyes with him , she noticed the worried expression written on his face something she always notice but not everyone know when he had that expression.

"Unnie , Koeun Unnie , Unnie! We already got our schedule and that we have to go to the forest now"

"What- oh sure!" Embarrassed of her actions she wished Herin didn't noticed it but was more worried of Mark
Was she too noticeable , hope she didn't make a fool of herself if she did.

As they all walked together in groups to the forest it seems quietness won't last long for them.

"Why are we still in the same group even though we have to be assigned to be in a group?"

"Just shut your mouth"

"No more fighting kids , let's work together"

"Who are you calling us Kids, kid?"

Jisung who was been informal to his older member , Donghyuck just glared at him for the informality language he uses as Mark sighed deeply as he could felt another fight is beginning. More like a small quarrel.

"You guys" he began

Then a petrified scream startled them all. Koeun worriedly rushes to see what happened and for sure the tricksters had it fun. Poor Herin was hiding behind Doyeon as a dark green slimy amphibian was just staring at her. She just keep screaming as Yeri , Jeno and Jaemin were having fun of their life scaring the dimple girl.

"Don't worry Herin , just pretend the frog is Prince Naveen , just kissed him and he'll be a human again" jeno picked up the frog in his hand but quickly the girl scream louder for her life but quickly the frog is out of sight when Hina smacked Jeno and Jaemin on their shoulders while giving them a lessons to not scare them ever again.

"You two , you've gone too far." Koeun scolded the two handsome pranksters. They just looked down while pouting. It's not everyday to see Koeun's scolded them for something and not a very pretty sight to see when she's taking the lead.

"Eun's Right. Stop joking around we still have a long way to go." Mark said agreeing with Koeun's as he lead the pack to continue their journey , following the map that provided to them.

"Mark are we sure we're on the right path?" Samuel asked while he show the map to him. "It seems we have sidetracked the original one" In a instant Koeun and Hakyeon had everyone stopped walking and everyone followed.

"What's going on?" Hina asked particularly no one

"Just sidetracked from the real path. Everyone let's take a break" Mark turned to his teammates and they all agreed. They all scattered around the ground. Herin with Doyeon who's still sulking about the frog incident , Jaemin and Jeno sat together and kept their mouth shut praying for not getting into trouble again , Donghyuck with Yeri who had mischief to find the track on their own thus Jisung being responsible to get them back.

"I hope they're not taking too long , I'm getting hungry" Lami pouted as she rubbed her stomach feeling hungry as she only ate kimbap back at their cabin.

Koeun , Mark , Samuel and Hakyeon were still figuring out on how to get them back on their real path when Jisung spoke up. "Mark Hyung!" They all turned their heads towards the youngest as he pointing to one of the tree's.

"What did you find Jisung?"

"I think I found the real path. Just follow the chewing gum"

"Chewing Gum?" Koeun questioned while eyeing Jisung with unsure gesture. "Yes Noona it's like a checkpoint so we don't get lost or sidetracked" he show her the extra chewing in his hand as what he said is true.

"Thanks Jisung well it's time to gather the others." Mark headed back where the others sat when Hina was sprinting for her life , following the girls calling out for her name.

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