Chapter: 1 Death of the Medici

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Screams of anguish echoed within the Canopy Kingdom. Squadrons of Black Ergents searched for whatever made that sound.

But none bared fruit.

Those screams, if you're wondering, come from none other than, Lorenzo Medici. And he's about to fucking die.

His entire mafia laid in pools of their own blood. That is if their deaths had any dismemberment. Most of his members were either decapitated, disarmed or burned to a crisp.

Most of if not all of his guns were destroyed by this......Thing!

Lorenzo pulled out a gun from his back and aimed it at the beast in front of him. His eyes were bloodshot and his normally calm demeanor was gone and now was replaced by fear.

"Stay back!" he ordered, yet it sounded more like a plea. "Stay back demon!"

The being in front of him merely chuckled.

It wore a leather jacket similar to what thugs would've worn. It's head, no, it's skull was set ablaze by a never ending fire. It grinned at Lorenzo with its lip-less mouth.

Lorenzo was warned of this thing hundreds of times. And hundreds of times, Lorenzo chalked it off as a poor excuse to scare him.

But now he sees that it is real. A real monster out for his soul. The Ghost Rider.

Still, grinning the inflamed demon says " If you think I am a demon, wait till you go to hell".

With that Lorenzo shot at the demon, its head jerked back from the force of the gun. Thinking he had actually killed the beast, the mafia boss smiled in relief. 

However that smile was short lived as the fiery skeleton bounced back up to meet Lorenzo's face.

The mob boss was absolutely horrified to see that the skeleton had caught the bullet in its teeth.

"Looks like you don't have to wait." The Ghost rider grabbed Lorenzo by the throat and looked Lorenzo dead in the eyes.

The mob boss squirmed and kicked in the air as he could feel a drip of piss fall to his legs.

That's right. Lorenzo Medici had just pissed himself silly.

Ghost Rider grinned as he watched this sinner squirm and cry for mercy.It filled him with joy to rid the world of pathetic heathens.

"Look into my eyes, your soul will burn for eternity" Ghost rider bellowed. Lorenzo wanted to look away but something told him to do what the demon spawn said.

As he looked at the empty pupils of the rider, Lorenzo saw two red glowing dots within the Ghost rider's eyes.

Suddenly Lorenzo felt a massive amount of heat flowing within his body. Or more accurately his soul.

Lorenzo yelled pure agony as bits of his body started to tear off and form into ash. Lorenzo squirmed and kicked once more as if trying to get away from what he is seeing.

What is he seeing exactly ? Only every sin he has ever committed, and all the pain and suffering he caused reflected back to him.

Finally, he stopped. Ghost Rider held a dead Lorenzo Medici in his hand. The dead mob boss had several burns on his face,his eyes were pitch black and slowly started to melt.

Ghost rider dropped the corpse with enough force to create a crater on the marble floor.

Seeing his work done, the ghost rider starts to exit the warehouse Lorenzo once used.......... by melting the metal of the warehouse and walking through his own-shaped hole.

All out of mercy (Skullgirls Harem x male ghost rider reader)Where stories live. Discover now